"You are the other emergency werewolf contact, Violet" She said and my mouth formed an 'o' shape "Can you help me with this?" Isaac asked "I guess we-" I pointed at Melissa and I "Can say there was a mistake or mess up with your file so that, that scheduled surgery happens to never appear on your file" I said.

   "But I need a special access to the files" I said and Melissa nodded "Leave that to me" She sounded confident "But I'm not sure it'll work. It's better if you call someone else" I added and Isaac nodded "Yeah, call Scott" He agreed.

     Melissa walked out of the room and I sat on the same spot I was before, letting the sleep and tiredness get to me. I slowly let myself drift to sleep but woke up when I heard Isaac's voice "Violet" He tried to say but it came out more like a groan.

     I looked up and saw a woman dressed like a nurse injecting something into Isaac's intravenous "Hey, who are you?" I asked and she looked at me smiling "Don't worry sweetheart, we're just preparing him for surgery" She said and I looked down.

     She was not wearing any shoes and her nails were too long for a human, they were more like claws. I half changed which for Scott, Isaac, Derek or any other werewolf would be completely change, growled at the women in front of me and then roared at her.

     Her eyes changed into the bright red Alpha ones. I took a step forward and went to scratch her but she grabbed my arm and broke it. I tried to fix my broken bone but she kicked me and I felt how her claws cut me on the abdomen.

     I hit with the wall and fell to the floor. When I went to stand up she injected me whatever it was that she injected into Isaac's intravenous.

     I tried to stand up but my body was too tired to do so. I looked up as she walked away with another guy helping her take Isaac away "Isaac" I whispered before everything blacked out.


     A familiar voice helped me wake up "Violet, Violet! Wake up!" Scott said. I opened my eyes and looked at his worried face "Isaac" I whispered and tried to stand up but couldn't so Scott helped me "What?" He asked.

   "Isaac, they took him" I said "Who are they?" Scott asked "The Alphas" I said and felt my eyes change. I growled at the thought of them taking him and walked to the door "Violet what are you doing? You're hurt" Scott said.

    "I'm already healing, I heal faster than you" I said lifting up my shirt and showing to Scott the cut that was visibly healing "Plus they took him on my watch, I need to get him" I said.

     I walked out of the room hall by hall to get to the elevator with Scott following beside me, when I saw the same bold guy I saw with that Alpha girl on Isaac's room "It's him" I said and looked at an unconscious Isaac sitting on the wheelchair.

     I roared at the guy and ran to the elevator. Scott and I got in before the doors closed. The man grabbed Scott by the shirt and tossed him against the elevator doors.

     I scratch his back making him turn to face me. I punched him twice or trice before he pushed me up in the air and against the elevator's roof. I fell to the floor and looked up at Scott and the Alpha. The Alpha tossed him against the other side and I scratched his face making him kick me against the wall.

     He pulled Scott up wrapping his hand around Scott's neck "Don't you realise what you're dealing with? I'm an Alpha" The guy said and I stood up, stabbing my claws in his back making him let go of Scott when the door opened revealing Derek standing there.

     He did the same thing I did and whispered against his ear "So am I" Derek said and we threw the guy away. I sat on the floor and felt a noticeable but not so sharp pain where the scratch was "Aren't you supposed to be at school?" Derek asked and I sight.


     We took Isaac to the Hale house and laid him on a table that was in the middle of the room. After leaving him there I sat on the floor and felt this pain where the scratch was like if it was still bleeding or open.

     It hurt more than it should be, actually it hurt when it shouldn't because I was supposed to have already healed "You don't still live here do you?" Scott asked "No, the county took it over but there is something in here that I need" Derek said.

    "It'll help them" Derek said looking at Isaac who was unconscious and at me "To heal a wound from an Alpha" Derek explained.

     Scott looked at me then walked over to Isaac "Yeah but it did heal" Scott said "Not in the inside" Derek said and looked at me "Come here, we need to give you this" Derek said taking a purple plant I've never seen before but I shook my head.

   "No, use what you have with Isaac, if there's something left then you can use it with me" I said "But you need to heal too" Scott said and Derek nodded "Use it on Isaac, sooner or later I'll heal. After all it is my fault that he was taken" I said.

     Scott looked at me sympathetically "Violet it's not your fault" He said "I was not fast or strong enough to fight that Alpha and because of it they took him. Derek, please" I begged and he nodded.

     Scott took a few steps forward and looked at Derek "Hey are you going to tell me who that was back there?" Scott asked "That Alpha" He added "A rival pack, it's my problem. I know you wanted to help and you did, I owe you one" Derek said.

   "And you too, I know you don't consider yourself of my pack but still you stayed to help us. I owe you too" Derek said looking at me and I chuckled "After all... Even though I don't consider myself of your pack as you said before, you're still my Alpha" I said.

     Derek half smiled, stood up and looked at Scott "Now go home, go back to being a teenager" He said to Scott.


     After Scott woke up he thanked Derek for revealing the tattoo and walked to the door. He opened the door and looked at it "You painted the door" He said and I looked up from Isaac to Scott.

     "Why'd you paint the door?" He asked "Go home Scott" Derek ordered "And why only one side?" Scott asked and took out his claws "Scott" Derek said and walked closer to him.

     Scott started scratching the door until it showed the Alpha's pack symbol "The birds in school and the deer last night. Just like the night I got crushed by the deers, when I got bit by the Alpha" Scott said and Isaac started to wake up.

     "How many are they?" Scott asked "A pack of them. An Alpha pack" Derek said and Isaac's eyes slowly started to open "All of them? How does that even work?" Stiles asked "I heard there's some kind of a leader, he's called Deucalion" Derek said.

     I looked at Scott who's face didn't show any emotion but concentration "We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, Violet and I have been looking for them for the last four months" Derek said and Scott looked at me.

     "So you find them" Scott said paused and then continue "How do you deal with an Alpha pack?" Scott asked "With all the help I can get" Derek said and I helped Isaac sit up "Where is she?" Isaac asked and everyone looked at him "Where's the girl?" He asked "What girl?" Derek asked.
Word Count: 2018
Chapter Edited: Sept/19/2016

Hi guys!!! So here it is Chapter 1 of this sequel book! I hope you liked the chapter and I hope you liked the first book! Please comment and vote to let me know what you think about the chapter and the last book!

See yaa xx

The Snow Wolf ▷ Isaac Lahey [2]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя