On Fire (NehpetsEnal)

Start from the beginning

There was one boat to port, one to starboard and one amidships

He'd sailed on many ships; it was now time to employ the knowledge gained from those trips

They plumbed the depths; it was like they were doing it to music

Three knots to the Port, four knots to Starboard and five knots Amid Ships Captain, the joy in their voices was a tonic

Everything was going to plan, as the Liberty Belle inched along in their wake

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Everything was going to plan, as the Liberty Belle inched along in their wake

No one was more surprised than Bart, he never expected this to be a piece of cake

So, it came as no shock when the Port plumb-man disappeared, dragged overboard by the knotted cord

Engines Full Stop, came to the cry, man overboard

Slightly embarrassed, the bedraggled plumb-man, rose to the surface, after his plunge into the bog

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Slightly embarrassed, the bedraggled plumb-man, rose to the surface, after his plunge into the bog

It was no surprise to find, that the plumb-line had tangled in a sunken log

All was clear amidships, as was the starboard side

All it took was for the Liberty Belle, to cruise a little wide

With the surveyor Miss Smithfield at the helm, they had an excellent navigator

She was more than familiar with the art of reading a nautical map, it was what she was trained for

She was more than familiar with the art of reading a nautical map, it was what she was trained for

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Busted Gulch vol. 15Where stories live. Discover now