Chapter 3: Scene 2: Elves are an Important Trope

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Scene 2: Elves are an Important Eroge Trope

December 6th, 2022. 2nd Floor's Mountains, Aincrad. Hill near a small hut, 06:30...

As the first rays of the virtual sun illuminated the rocky hill of Aincrad's 2nd Floor, nothing but the sound of virtual flesh hitting virtual rock could be heard in that secluded area.

And it was, apparently, that sound was woke up the chestnut-haired girl sleeping within the hut, yawning and rubbing her eyes for a moment and ignoring the old man NPC inside before walking out, her gaze zeroing on the sitting form of the whiskered observer just outside, unknowing of the words only one person in the world could see floating over her head...

[Hosaka Tomo: 'The Rat']

[Relationship Status: Best Beta Buddies]

[Affection Points: 86/100]

...or over her own.

[Yuuki Asuna: 'Tsundere Fencer']

[Relationship Status: Undesired Friends (?)]

[Affection Points: 50/100]

"Argo? How long have you been...?"

"Up? A bit over half an hour, more or less..." answered the Info Broker without looking at her, her gaze fixed on something specific.

"I see..." mumbled Asuna while her own eyes moved towards what had Argo's full attention, also the source of the noise echoing within the deserted area. " know, at first I was glad you stopped me from also taking the quest and thought it was really funny, but now..."

The whiskered girl didn't answer as her friend trailed off, both of them silently staring at the bizarre, yet strangely inspiring, sight.

That of Kirito grunting slightly every time his fist slammed against a massive boulder just at the cliff's edge beyond the hut, the massive rock filled with countless cracks that widened ever so slightly every time the black-haired boy hit it, nothing but a look of boundless raw determination in his eyes.

Not even the ridiculous-looking whiskers he had on his face, which reminded of a certain cosmic cat with a magical pocket, made his visage any less impressive for the girls, at least not after two straight days of seeing him punching that rock, the rapier-user finally realized he probably hadn't slept at all last night in favor of continuing the seemingly impossible task.

Within the gamer's mind, though...his thoughts and drive were far less amazing or awe-inspiring.

"Never gonna...ask any of Argo's secrets...again. Next time...she can save herself from...those stupid ninjas wannabe..." mentally groaned Kirito as his fist kept striking the same point in the massive rock that he had started to consider as the physical incarnation of his life's problems, which only made him punch the almost-Immortal Object harder. "You think you can...beat me, rock?! Compared to...this accursed shitty power of mine... you or...being trapped in this game...are nothing!"

With that last thought, the swordsman released a loud battle cry and slammed his fist with all the power of his in-game STR Stat, a cracking sound filled the air as it splintered apart and collapsed upon itself, struck down with the combined powers of determination and utter despair towards reality.

For anyone that didn't know his thoughts, though, like the two females watching, the sight would have been nothing short of incredible.

"...he actually did it." mumbled Argo with a mix of awe and disbelief. "And in only 2 days..."

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