06. Liberio at Night

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but you should respect her wishes. She doesn't care about marriage—"

"And whose fault is that?" she asked with a knowing, almost corrosive smile.

The question made him falter, and he had to take a deep breath before continuing, "Your daughter is strong and has dreams of her own and will be just fine as long as you stop bothering her about this. And if she ever chooses to marry, it shouldn't be this way. She deserves much better than this."

"Oh, Reiner, you can't possibly still be this naive after everything you've been through." She shook her head. "This world is cruel as it is on women, let alone Eldian ones. If you truly care and want what's best for her, you'd know the right thing to do." She patted his armband. "After all, isn't this why you became a Warrior yourself?"

This conversation plagued Reiner the entire route back to your neighborhood. And he, who had woken up anticipating seeing you again, found himself drained of all vigor when he rounded the familiar turn to your house. He was on the verge of retreating hadn't your front door opened and Anabella stepped outside. Of course, she immediately spotted him and spun to inform you.

Only your head was poking out when he approached you, and Anabella, who had stopped by to borrow a shawl, left directly after a few words of courtesy.

As you bashfully looked up at him through your lashes, teeth worrying at your bottom lip, Reiner leaned against the doorway with a long-drawn sigh. "Why're you hiding there?"

"I'm underdressed," you murmured.


Your minds seemed to be similarly engaged at that moment, as was made evident by his blush and your awkward shyness, but you were startled out of your dazes when a couple of neighbors stopped to greet Reiner, and you directly disappeared inside. Their inquisitive stares didn't escape him, a reminder of what your mother had spoken about, and gave rise to the barrage of misgivings your presence had momentarily eroded.

You revealed yourself again after they were gone, and Reiner apologized, "—It's still early. I'll let you finish getting ready and stop by later."

"No, I was actually hoping you'd show up early. Come in."

"I don't think—" Reiner was left with no choice when you pulled him inside by the wrist and pushed him against the door, any chance at withdrawal gone when your arms winded around his neck and your mouth captured his.

He could sense the eagerness in your movements, in the way your tongue melted against his and your hands roamed his chest, hair, and shoulders as if this was all that had consumed your thoughts since you'd last parted too.

"Did you sleep well?" you asked when you seemed to at last have quenched some of your thirsts and pulled away, nuzzling his nose.

"I slept. Which is more than I could've asked for."

You gave him a small smile.

"What about you?"

"Very good," you said as you held his hand and started guiding him upstairs.

"What about..."

"Oh, I'm fine."

"You sure? Didn't seem like it yesterday," he said, recalling how your legs had given out and he'd had to carry you to the bathroom.

Your eyes were level with his when he sat on your bed, and you made yourself comfortable on his lap, the sliver of smugness sitting at the tip of his slightly curled lips not escaping you.

"You seem happy with what you did."

Reiner chuckled lightly. "I gotta admit it was kind of satisfying."

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