Having apologized for his harsh words to you during his meltdown, Reiner couldn't think of anything else he'd done since that would justify your attitude. His qualms took the backseat as he occupied himself with solving your mystery, and much to his surprise, it was a much welcome distraction.

The chase was thrilling and made it seem as if the barrier defining your relationship had vanished—as if you had finally overstepped that tacit but ever-present boundary. Your interactions became lighter as well and gave him to understand the same.

For the first time, it felt like you were a normal couple with normal lives and ups and downs.

Your conduct was reflexively intended to get a rise out of him, but it was all beyond delightful and amusing to him. And to say that his composure in response to it frustrated you would be an understatement.

It was a Saturday morning that you found yourself wandering around town with Anabella. You weren't keen on going out at all, but staying at home with your mother who kept meddling in your affairs and asking about your developments with Reiner was far worse.

Although Anabella wasn't any different herself, she at least knew when to take a hint, and a couple of terse replies were enough to silence her on the subject.

Halfway into your stroll, you came across Reiner. He hadn't seen you at first, but your clown of a friend made sure you didn't remain unnoticed.

Approaching you, he greeted Anabella before addressing you, "I was actually on my way to see you."

"Don't you have work?"

"Commander Magath let us go early since the festival's tomorrow."

This piqued Anabella's interest. "Only you, or...?"

"Everyone. The others stopped at the bakery." Reiner pointed behind him. "And Colt is with them."

"I just remembered I need to get bread too."

"No, you don't," you said, linking arms with her.

"I do. See you later! Oh, Reiner, make sure to walk her home when she's done."

You sighed as you watched her skip away.

"Were you going somewhere?"

"The fabric store," you replied, and he gestured for you to lead the way.

Aside from the usual inquiries about your health and news since you'd last spoken, not much was said as you weaved your way through the alleys to reach the shop. When you got there, Reiner loitered by the doors, following your interaction with the owner, a young man a few years older than you, who was patiently showing you a new collection of textiles.

When your purchases were made, Reiner held the bags, and you set off toward the sewing shop for some matching threads.

You were all set and done half an hour later, and on your way back home, Reiner spoke up, "That first seller, have you known him for long?"

"Ever since he took over his father's business a couple of years ago."

Reiner hummed.

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, he just seemed like a good guy."

"Yes, he is nice and good at his job."

"Looks like he's into you."

You quirked a brow at him. "I haven't noticed. But does that bother you?"

Reiner smiled but said nothing.

The topic was increasing your silliness, however, and you didn't waste your chance to ask, "What about you? Did you have someone you liked while away?"

"There was one girl I thought was cute," he admitted. "I mentioned her, actually. Krista?"

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