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Chapter 0901 Statement

Xie Jiaxiang opened 1,208 tables, 12 people per table, and hired a total of 200 famous chefs, excluding apprentices, to cook a table of delicacies from mountains and seas according to the menu prepared by the Xie family.

Li Xingxing and Xia Xingxing could not imagine the cost.

So scary!

In Li Xingxing's words, poverty limits her imagination.

Before the opening ceremony, Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie gave speeches on stage.

Mr. Xie's voice was loud: "Dear ladies, gentlemen and friends, good evening, everyone. Today is the wedding day of granddaughter Shanshan and grandson-in-law Star. I and the whole family thank all the guests for taking the time to make their wedding possible. More lively, more complete, more grand."

After a pause, he continued: "Many relatives and friends know that our youngest son has been separated from us for more than 40 years. Due to frequent wars at home and abroad, we have been searching for many years without any news of him. Fortunately, God has mercy on him. Not only did we get the good news that he was safe and sound and he started a family, we also welcomed the arrival of my granddaughter and grandson-in-law from thousands of miles away, and the whole family is expected to be reunited. On this festive day, while holding a wedding ceremony for the granddaughter, I would like to inform you of the good news, I would like to ask your relatives and friends to take care of your granddaughter in the future, I would be very grateful."

Many guests who have come from afar have always been very puzzled by the sudden appearance of a granddaughter in the Xie family. At this time, when they heard the words of Mr. Xie, they knew that Xie Shanshan (Li Xingxing) was indeed Mr. Xie's direct granddaughter and grew up outside.

Looking carefully, the appearance and temperament are very good, and the conversation is not a little bit of a family, but it is unexpected.

In their impression, the eastern powers are poor and backward, and they are not as prosperous as overseas in all aspects. Even if they develop an atomic (bomb) bomb to enhance their national strength, it is still difficult to change their perception.

I just heard Old Master Xie say again: "My youngest son's family grew up in China, where he studies, works and lives, while our motherland has yet to develop in all aspects. Taking advantage of my granddaughter's wedding, I donated 10 million US dollars to China to help her get through this difficult time, and I thank the country for nurturing my youngest son. With the consent of my granddaughter and grandson-in-law, all the gifts I received today will be donated in your name to give back to the motherland. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you here, I hope you have a good meal, drink well and have a good time tonight, and I wish you all a smooth journey, happiness and health in the future."

He and Mrs. Xie bowed deeply to everyone.

Li Xingxing blinked and looked at Xia Xingxing.

They think that the old man's ideas are so fickle. Isn't it more appropriate to donate gifts to the country than to hold a charitable party to raise money in a big way during the Mid-Autumn Festival?

Now why do you directly declare that it is donated to the motherland?

Aren't you afraid of leaking news?

Maybe I'm not afraid, maybe the Mid-Autumn Festival is just to hold a wedding for them.

I admired the fact that the old man never mentioned that he was doing his best to raise food to donate to the country.

Mrs. Xie said directly: "Jiaxiang, say hello early! Since we donated to the motherland, we should give more gifts instead of just 180 yuan."

They are accustomed to focusing on gold and very little gift money.

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