"Hey, Shawn," he greeted.

     "Hey," I said absentmindedly, still leaning back against the door I had come out of.

     "Are you okay?  You look like you're mad or something."

     "Not mad.  Just creeped out a little," I admitted, glancing back at the door behind me and glaring at it, as if it were creep-fuck-Jake.

     "Creeped out?  Did you see another ghost?" he joked.

     "I would have preferred that," I said.

     His eyebrows raised in curiosity.  I stared at him for a moment, contemplating whether or not I should discuss my instant dislike for Ruby's fiance'.  I didn't like to gossip, but I just had a bad feeling about this guy.

     "I just met Jake," I told him.

     Axl's whole demeanor changed and his expression darkened.  "Oh," he said, sounding disgruntled.  "Fucking tool-bag."  His reaction alleviated any guilt I had about talking about someone else.

     "So, it's not just me then?  I'm not being a bitch when I say he's a creepy fuck-burger?"

     "Definitely not," he said.  "I've been trying to tell her for ages now, but she doesn't seem to want to listen to anything I have to say when it comes to romantic advice."

     "Why not?" I had a feeling I already knew the answer, but I wanted to see his reaction to the question.

     "It's a long story," he said, rubbing the back of his neck distractedly.

     "Oh, you mean like you and her hooked up while she was still with Jake?" I just couldn't help myself.

     He smirked, "What makes you say that?"

     I rolled my eyes, "Really?  Like it's not obvious?"

     "You're much more observant than you should be," Axl said, chuckling.  "But I'm not going to confirm or deny your accusation."

     "All right, fine.  Keep your little secret.  I'll pretend I know nothing," I said.

     We both stood there awkwardly for a second.  Of all the members of the team, Axl did seem to be the one I had the least in common and the least interaction with.  I didn't realize being alone with him would be so weird.

     "Actually," he finally broke the tense silence, "I've been wanting to tell you that you did really great with that last case.  You seem to have this way of comforting people that pretty impressive.  You really helped those people."

     "Thank you," I said.

     "Also. . ." he went on, looking hesitant, and rubbing the back of his neck again.  "I wanted to apologize."

     "Apologize?  For what?"

     "I know I can say some disgusting, disrespectful things sometimes.   Or. . . sexist, from what I've been told," he went on, glancing back at the door behind me as if someone were standing there.  "I didn't really have the greatest role models growing up, so I'm trying to work on that.  Just feel free to punch me in the face if I ever step out of line."

     I smiled warmly at him, "With pleasure."

     "Well, let me see if I can get rid of the creepy fuck on the other side of this door," he said.

     I nodded and let him walk past me through the door back out to the lobby.  I glanced down the hallway again to see that Richard's door was slightly open.  I could hear his and Brandon's voices coming from inside.  I wondered if it would be impolite to stick my head in the room to hurry them up so I could get out of the same building as the fuck-face fiancé.

Darkwood Falls Paranormal Investigators  Book One: The Dead TruthWhere stories live. Discover now