Chapter Three

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"From the very beginning— from the first moment, I may almost say— of my acquaintance with you, your manners, impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form the groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry." - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice.

     Richard and I made our way back into the lobby where Axl and Brandon stood leaning against Ruby's desk chatting with her.   All three of them immediately stopped their conversation and turned to look at us with looks of anticipation on their faces.

     "That didn't take very long.  Was it that bad?" Axl said, grinning.

     "Shut-up, Axl," Ruby said.

     Brandon looked apprehensively back and forth between Richard and I.

     "You can wipe the crazy look off your face, Brandon," Richard said.  "Welcome the newest member of the Darkwood Falls Paranormal Investigators."

     "All right!" Brandon said, looking relieved. 

     "That's great!" Ruby said, clapping her hands.  "We finally get another woman around here! We're going to be best friends!"

     "Uh, yeah," I said, overwhelmed by her quick enthusiasm for me.

     "Awesome.  Another chick to look at everyday instead of these guys," Axl said, gesturing to Brandon and Richard.

     "Axl, don't make me kick your ass," Brandon warned.

     "Where's Nick?" Richard asked the others.

     Brandon, Axl, and Ruby all exchanged dark looks.

     "He stepped out for a minute.  He'll be right back," Axl spoke up, shifting uncomfortably and avoiding Richard's eyes.

     Richard didn't look convinced.  He glanced out the glass windows of the office door, as if hoping to catch this Nick guy doing something outside that he shouldn't.

     Now that my nerves were gone from the interview, I was suddenly aware of an intense throbbing in my head.  "Ow, fuck," I mumbled to myself, bringing my hand to the back of my head.

     "Are you okay?" Ruby asked. 

     "Some douche-bag ran into me in the parking lot and knocked me down.  I hit my head pretty hard on the pavement.  The guy just yelled at me and didn't even bother to help me up.  Now I've got a throbbing headache and an urge to go find the guy and punch him in the throat."

     "What an ass.  Guys are such jerks," Ruby said, her eyes darting to Axl for a split second.

     "Not all guys," Axl said, leaning against Ruby's desk again.  "I'm pretty awesome."

     She ignored him and turned back to her computer and started to type again.

     "There's Nick now," Brandon said, nodding towards the door.

     I saw someone walking up to the glass door, their head down, looking at a cell phone in their hands.  While I couldn't see his face, it was hard not to recognize him anyway.  I saw the familiar perfect blond hair, mustard stained t-shirt, black leather jacket, and wrinkled jeans.  I gasped and felt my stomach drop to my feet.

Darkwood Falls Paranormal Investigators  Book One: The Dead TruthWhere stories live. Discover now