"I don't like my things broken or messed up," she said.

     I didn't say another word because I knew what would come out of my mouth wouldn't be pleasant at all.

     "But we're here tonight so Dean's family can speak to him again," Brandon spoke up. "It will help him pass on and give your family some peace."

     "AHHHHH!" Tommy started to wave his arms around now.

     "Hey, kid!  Cut it out!" Axl blurted out.

     Tommy immediate stopped in his tracks and stared at Axl in fear.  Karen turned her eyes to him and stared at him hard.  I, on the other hand, shot him an appreciative look.

     "Um, you know what, Tommy. . . why don't we got sit in the kitchen for a minute?  Do you like to color?" Ruby said.

     The kid nodded, and Ruby stepped forward and grabbed his hand.  "Okay, show me where you keep your crayons and coloring books, and we'll color together."

     Tommy started to lead Ruby down the hall.  "Oh. Your room. Great," I heard Ruby's retreating voice.

     I was glad I wasn't her.  Being with a kid in a haunted room would be enough to make me quit on the spot and never come back.  We all heard a loud knock at the door.  I jumped at the sound and gasped thinking the spirit was coming for me again.  Nick snorted beside me, and once I realized I was not in any danger at the moment, I slugged him in the arm.  He winced and rubbed his shoulder where I hit him.

     "That should be the Vanmeters.  Shawn or Nick, maybe you should get the door and speak to them first since they already know you," Richard said.

     Nick stepped forward, but I grabbed his arm. "I got this," I said.

     I made my way to the front door and opened it.  Trevor smiled warmly when he saw me.

     "Hello, Shawn."

     "Hey," I said, suddenly feeling very hot.

     Trevor looked just as clean-cut and sweet as before.  This time, he was in more casual clothing; a button-up shirt and jeans.  I knew it was completely inappropriate, but I suddenly had the urge to make-out with the dude.  Trevor's mother, however, did not look quite as happy to see me as he did.  While she was not in her dirty bathrobe anymore, she still looked disheveled and ready to slice me with a butter knife.  She glared at me, and I shrunk under her gaze.  That little woman could be really fucking intimidating when she wanted to.

     "Um. . . " I stuttered, forgetting why I was even standing there.  Between Trevor's hotness and Debbie's anger, I was already a fucked up mess even before seeing the dead guy again.

     Nick appeared next to me and rested his hand gently on my shoulder.  "Why don't you both come in," he said.

     I felt so stupid.  My mind always betrayed me in situations with people I wasn't familiar with.  Again, I found myself wondering if Richard was keeping score in his head of all my fuck-ups, and how many it would take to fire me.  I was also confused as to why his opinion suddenly meant so much.  Hadn't my original plan been to just work this job temporarily until I found something else?  The thought of working anywhere else with different people seemed to depress me.

     Trevor and Debbie walked through the door to join everyone else in the living room. 

     Nick closed the door behind them, then turned to me.  "You okay?" he asked quietly so no one else could hear.  The sudden urge to run out of that house must have been apparent on my face.

Darkwood Falls Paranormal Investigators  Book One: The Dead TruthWhere stories live. Discover now