"You look gorgeous Bey"

"Appreciate that. You look good as well. I ordered us a bottle of wine and the waiter will be back soon to take our order."

I thanked her for informing me then we both sat down again. We conversed about a lot of things. I learned that she played sports, was originally in college to become a lawyer, she doesn't have the best relationship with her dad and a lot more. I told her more about myself such as me wanting to rap, more about my childhood, and what school I went to. Throughout this, we ordered our food and ate. I must admit, she is very fun to be around and I could definitely see this happening again. This was a whole new side she was showing me and I was appalled.

After the date, we went outside and talked a bit more.

"So Onika, what do you do plan on doing after this?"

"Probably just go home and chill. Tomorrow is my off day."

"Wanna go to a club? There's this place called GILT, my friends told me about it"

"Actually yeah that sounds much more fun than going home to do nothing. It's only 10 right now so um I can go home to change out of this and I'll meet you at the club at 12, that sounds good?"

"Yeah 12 is good! Text me when you make it home. See ya in a few"

We exchanged a few more words then headed our separate ways. I can't believe I was going out with her again, wait till I tell Meagan about this!

Beyoncé P.O.V.
11:30 p.m.

I don't know why I was so nervous to meet with Onika again, like we JUST had a date! She texted me telling me that she just left her house and was on the way to the club, so I left as well. I decided to change my outfit to, wearing some camouflage cargos with a cropped white tee and white 4s. I felt much more comfortable and sexy in this lil fit. Since I stopped to get gas and some snacks, it was about 12:20 when I arrived at the club and Onika still wasn't there. After waiting for what seemed like forever, her car finally pulled up! She got out apologizing but I was honestly to mesmerized by her outfit to clarify what she was saying. She looked amazing at the dinner but she looked like something I would love to eat on in what she has on now. She had on a black mesh bodysuit and platform heels. And she smells so amazing, I could honestly eat her right he-

"Beyoncé did you even hear what I was saying!??!"

"Oh shit my bad. You look good! Are those Dolce-Gabbana heels?"

"Girl don't piss me off. I was saying I invited my friend and she invited her friend. I wanna get fucked up and I want her to be there"

"That's fine, the more the merrier"

With that, we walked up to two other girls who were also dressed nice. She introduced them to me as Meagan and Lauren. If I could, I would have all of them. We walked towards the building and went straight to the V.I.P. line, I don't have time to be waiting! When we walked in, I could tell we were all going to be fucked up! The energy inside of the club was insane! The music, the people, the vibes were just all immaculate. We headed to the bar and got off to our first round of drinks.

*5 shots later*

"Whew yall let's go dance" said Onika.

She got up quickly and we all followed her. I was immediately caught off guard when she started dancing on me. Her body grinding onto mine made me so wet! I wanted to stop her but at the same time I didn't. She turned around and looked at me seductively before dancing on her friends. I didn't think to deep of it, I just started dancing with them as well. I went off to the bar to get another drink, when I was then greeted by a beautiful young woman.

"Why you here by yourself?" She asked me

"I'm not. My friends are dancing. I just decided to grab a quick drink"

"I've been looking at you for a minute, come dance with me pretty."

Her eyes made me want to say yes to anything she asked me. Although she looked quite familiar, I was too drunk to process anything. I got up with her and we headed to go dance. We grinder against each other before she started rubbing on me in all the right places. That didn't last long because I felt someone pull me back.

"Beyoncé we have to go."

"What? Why?"

She didn't even answer my question. All four of us were out of the club when she started talking.

"Alright I'll see y'all later. Text me when y'all make it home, I love you guys"

"We love you" they responded.

"Onika why did we leave like that"

"Beyoncé, although I am drunk, I am very aware of everyone around me. That girl you was dancing with was the same bitch who stabbed me"

Oh shit.

"What? How is she even out? She should be in jail just for stabbing you!"

"I don't know but it is not safe for us. Her being here isn't a coincidence. We can't go home, we have to get a hotel."

I was honestly to drunk to disagree

"That's fine. I'm to drunk to drive though. Can you drive?"

"Yeah, we can get your car in the morning. Come on get in the car, I ain't a babysitter"

I groaned but I got in the car and we were on our way to the hotel.


Subscribe to my girlfriend and I youtube channel: TashiraKacie. Five more subscribers gained, I got y'all on the next chapter!

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