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"Hey, your that shy girl that won the best chemistry presentation!" A familiar voice from behind me, I turned around. One of the outgoing annoying kids. Great, you have literally no idea how much i want to punch them in the face, they always show up at the worst times and ugh! Now the whole school knows that I have mommy issues because of those dumbasses. My brain didnt want to take this today.

"Can you do my science for me? since your clearly so good at it." I would curse at him but Im way too much of a 'teachers pet' according to some people, who apparently think just because I follow the rules in my teachers classroom means im a teachers pet. Like I dont remind that asshat of homework, do I? Thats for nerds. Im the shy kid, not the nerd kid. Or am I the shy kid? *evil laugh* yeah no thats cringe.

"I'm busy all week, I'm sorry." I replied, trying to balance both my violent thoughts and my shy posture in the real world. Think happy, Noel. You got this. Dont enrage on someone. You've kept this shy girl act for over 3 years you cant mess it up in 10th grade.

I'm only 15, but I've gone through a lot. Which is probably why I keep to myself a lot. I'm touch starved and have trust issues. I was also picked on a little bit in 6th grade for being a true crime fan. I guess I never really listened to the hate because I still kept my shy act. Curiousity killed the cat I guess. Its okay though because my favourite animal is actually ferrets. They're adorable. I own 3 ferrets too. Their name are milk, mocha, and steve. I guess you can tell which one is my favourite.

if you guessed steve, your ri- wrong. I love all my children equally.

I continue to walk along the hall and make my way to the gym. I had free time and the gym was free for an hour, so why not go there? Big mistake. I could hear the 10th and 11th grade boys shouting to pass the ball and to shoot it. I heard Mike the most though. You may be wondering, who is Mike? Well..

Micheal Afton. Formerly Known as Mike. In my grade, outgoing, and a little bit of a bully. His father also owns Fredbears Family diner and a bunch other restaurants so his family is a little rich. Most of the Aftons money goes towards paying their nightguards a load of money for risking their life and house bills, though. You may be wondering why did I say risking their life? I'll explain later.

I've always been in his shadow since he sits in front of me most of the time. Sometimes he quickly tells me "Hey Noel" and then thats it. Then he ignores me for nearly the rest of the day. The other boys there were mostly his friends and the outgoing kids. About 9 of them were in the gym.

I walked over to the P.E office and refilled my water bottle using the water dispenser, sipping on it. The boys were taking all of the gym, so the most I could do was sit somewhere and watch. I sat on the floor and watched the group of bitchy hooligans play basketball. I smiled slightly whenever one of them messed up.

"What the fuck is that girl doing over there? Shes just watching us." One of the boys said, pointing at me. He had a black t-shirt and gray shorts. He was also holding a blue water bottle. He then took a sip as another guy walked over to me. This time he was wearing a maroon t shirt and black shorts. He was also blasian with really short brown hair.

"Oi girl, get out. it clearly isnt your turn." He said. Then he realised who I was. Dark blue jean shorts, pastel yellow hoodie.. and the white mask I always wear that covers my face if you pair it with my long ass black bangs. "Oh wait, your that shy girl! You cant talk to me! Hah!" He laughs.

"Chris shut the fuck up. Shes just watching." Micheal snaps. I expected him to agree with him, but he seems to favour me. I dont know why. "Mike, shes that chemistry nerd that walks around all day with the weird ass facemask and a book in her hand. Shes plotting something creepy." He says.

Jeremy steps closer to me. Hes a close friend of Micheal. "Girl, why dont you take that mask off and show us you can talk? Or you have eyes?" Believe it or not, but I can actually see like this. Ive gotten used to it. When I started covering my face, which was likeee 6th grade? 7th grade? Yeah 7th grade. I couldnt see a thing.

The reason for covering my face is because, when I was turning 13, (My birthdays in March) I got a little too clumsy. I was running around outside with the dog and my friends, when I fall down on the cold and rough dirt. Now i have a huge scar that was caused by a rock.

You see, when I fell, I slipped on a flat but sharp rock. That caused the rock to land on its side with the sharp side sticking out. When I tried to catch myself, I just so happened to tumble backwards face first and I had a big cut all the way from my left eyebrow, to my chin. The scab was definitely not fun. I picked it all day.

I couldnt even go to school. I begged my mom not to because people would make fun of me and think I had shit or dirt on my face. Turns out I got a whole 2 weeks off because i kept picking at my scab and didnt let it heal properly.

You may be asking, what about my left eye? Well, I can barely see out of it if i squint. I undergoed like 4 surgeries to remove the dirt. I even had to live a full day with my eye hanging out of my socket. Crazy what kids can do to themself if they just dont watch where they're going. I also cant see anything when i close my right eye and something is really close to my face. Its like hell.

"Oi, fuck off on her! Shes just doin' her thing." A kid said, Micheal right behind. I didnt want to say anything, I didnt want to get punched. If I stood up and walked away I would also get punched. So my only way out of this is by just staring at him until he left me alone. He cant really tell if im staring at him or not, though.

For context, my voice is kind of shy. My pitch tho, holy shit, these vocals are amazing. I can go from hEERe🤪🎤🐭🐁 to here.😐😒⛓😈

I'm not surprised that people dont want me talking in the deepest i can go, since its kind of scary at times. Most people prefer if I use my normal voice, which is both soft and deep. Some people prefer if I actually dont talk at all. It creeps them out with how my voice pitch changes every few seconds.

Anyways, I was completely zoned out as I realized the entire group of boys was infront of me. All 9 of them. It made me seriously panic. "Is she alive?" One guy snapped his fingers infront of my face. I shuffled a little bit and spoke up.

"I'm sorry, I should be going now." I attempted to stand up when the group just wouldnt move. They were all around me, not too close for comfort though. Just blocking me way out. "Uhm, could you move so I could leave?" I asked the guy to the far left of me. "Oh no, your not going anywhere until you tell us what you're plotting." He said.

"Let her leave, you dipshit. She wouldnt hurt a fly." Micheal said. The guy rolled his eyes and a few of them backed away so I could leave. I stood up and ran with my water bottle and notebook in my hands.

I ran out of the gym, trying not to look like a pick me girl as I left the gym. A lot of people confuse me with those social rejects that want male validation. I've never made fun of anyone in front of a group of men in my life, let alone make fun of anyone at all in a serious manner. If I make fun of people, its in a joke.

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