Chapter 69. Spinner

Start from the beginning

          "No, you won't. You're already staggering. Just take off the jacket. Nobody knows who we are, so you don't have to try and hide." (Y/n) countered.

          "That's not what I'm worried about." Spinner mumbled under her breath.

          Having not heard her, (Y/n) was going to keep pressing the issue. This was cut off by Spinner grabbing his arm and pulling him into an alleyway. She had hoped to avoid whatever scene (Y/n) would have caused if he pushed the issue further. When she was sure they could no longer be seen, Spinner pulled back her hood and took a moment to cool off in the shade.

          "You happy now?" Spinner asked, as she sat down for a moment.

          "I... guess? I guess I'm just wondering why you dragged us into the alley way. We still have to get the groceries." (Y/n) answered, genuinely confused as to why she would drag him here.

          "You just don't get it." Spinner mumbled, as she hid her face into her arms.

          "Huh? I didn't hear what yo-" (Y/n) started, but was cut off.

          "What have we got here?" a voice called out behind (Y/n).

          The young villain turned to face them. Spinner poked her head up from her arms only enough so that she could see. Approaching the two villains was a young woman. She's dressed in punk attire, and had her hair cut short. Her fiery eyes were a bright orange. Based on her body language she was here to start a fight.

          "I'm kinda pissed off at my parents right now. What luck that 2 dumbasses would drag themselves into an alleyway where no one else can see me hurt you! A male, and... is that a heteromorph?! HaHa! Both of you basically aren't people anyway?" the woman explained as she approached.

          "Heteromor-?" (Y/n) started to question to himself before it seemed he had a realization.

          "Oh, I get it now. I'm sorry I pushed so hard." (Y/n) turned away from the woman and walked up to Spinner.

          (Y/n) knelt down to put himself eye to eye with Spinner. He had a look of remorse. Now, realizing why Spinner was wearing the hood, he felt terrible that he pushed so hard for her to remove it. The woman antagonizing them, not liking being ignored, was about to yell at him, but was cut off by (Y/n) speaking first.

          "Sorry about that. I never knew quirks that changed appearance were hated too. Let me finish this up and I promise I'll make it up to you. I won't be but a minute." (Y/n) spoke calmly to Spinner, with a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

          (Y/n) stood up, and his calm quickly faded to an angered expression towards the punk.

          "You've got me all angry now. So, I really hope someone can get you to a hospital before the damage becomes permanent." (Y/n) told the woman.

          "The Hell'd Yo-" the woman started, that being all she could say before she lost consciousness.

          (Y/n) had swapped right next to the woman and delivered a powerful blow to the head. She wasn't out for entirely too long, as after a moment, she flickered back awake. (Y/n) had waited for this. Before she could even question what had just happened to her, she felt an incredible pain in her shoulder. A sickening snap was heard as (Y/n) stomped on her shoulder. As she was about to scream out in pain, (Y/n) put his hand over her mouth. He looked down at her, and as they made eye contact, (Y/n) saw the fear in her eyes.

          "I could do anything to you right now. If I wanted, I could break any of your bones. But, I'm gonna stop here. You'd best hope I never catch wind of you insulting people for being different then you." (Y/n) threatened.

          As the young woman quickly nodded her head in fear, (Y/n) finally knocked her out with another blow to the head. (Y/n) took a breath to calm himself back down before he walked back up to spinner.

          "Sorry you had to see that side of me. I really don't like people hurting my friends" (Y/n) apologized, avoiding eye contact with Spinner.

          "I- It's ok. I appreciate it. It makes me happy to know you'd get so upset for my sake." Spinner answered him.

          Spinner ruffled his hair some, prompting him to look up at her. She had a smile on her face.

          "Besides, aren't I older than you? Shouldn't I be the one defending you from punks like her? Now, let's go get those groceries." Spinner joked, letting (Y/n) know that everything is forgiven.

*Flash Back End*

          "There has to be a way! We all owe Nadir too much to not try." Spinner tried to combat the point.

          "Spinner, no one said we weren't going to try. We're going to get him back, but I'm not going to let anyone else here get taken away in that pursuit. It's like I said back then. "You're my family." We're going to play a perfect game." Shigaraki declared, putting Spinner's worries at ease.


3rd Person P.O.V Following ???

          Our scene shifts back into the strange room with no ceiling and only 2 walls. The black expanse has just opened and a beautiful sunset has just become visible. The young school girl is awed at the beautiful orange for a moment, before she realizes again she still doesn't know where exactly she is.

          "U-Um, do you know where we are?" the young girl asked.

          "I'm afraid I don't. I'm sorry." the more mature woman answered.

          "Oh, n- no, it's not your fault." the blonde haired lass commented.

          "Well, I'm glad to at least have someone to talk to while we figure this place out. My name is Morioka Reiko. It's nice to meet you." The elder woman introduced herself.

          "Oh, I'm sorry, I never introduced myself. My name is Uyemura Miki." the student introduced herself with a bow in return.

          "A pleasure. I've been on my own in this place for I think a few weeks. It's really hard to tell because the sky never changes." Morioka explained.

          "Wait, really? It's always a sunset?" Uyemura asked, shocked.

          "It is. At least it's a beautiful sight." the brown haired woman answered.

          "So, what exactly have you figured out about this place, Ms. Morioka?" Miki asked.

          "Not a whole lot. But, something is definitely wrong. Whenever I leave this room, I couldn't see anything until I walked back into this room. It's completely pitch black out there. It's like this room is the only thing that exists at all." Morioka explained carefully.

          "How strange. Do you think we're under the effects of a villain's quirk? Some kind of hallucination?" Uyemura asked.

          "I don't think that's possible for me at least. I can't remember much of what happened before I woke up here, though." Morioka answered.

          Uyemura was about to ask more questions, but she suddenly yawned.

          "How about we rest before we try and figure anything else out. Don't worry, I've never been in danger even once since I woke up here, so it should be fine."

          Nodding, Miki made a place for herself to rest, and she fell asleep rather quickly considering the situation. Morioka stayed awake long enough to see Miki finally fall asleep before she soon fell asleep herself.

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