🍋 Female Yandere Sylveon X Male Reader

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): So Johnny, what kind of Pokemon you want?

Johnny: Something badass like a... Dragon Pokemon!

(Y/N): Take a good look around the apartment. There's no way we can fit a dragon in here! Let's start off small like a grass Pokemon or bug Pokemon.

Johnny: Lame! There's has to be a Pokemon we both can agree on and has to be in our price range.

(Y/N): Well I'll be pitching in 1,000 Pokedollars.

Johnny: Me too!

(Y/N): Tomorrow, we will go to every shelter in the city and hopefully find a Pokemon.

The next day, the two go out and search Pokemon shelters that might have the perfect Pokemon for them. None of the shelters have any Pokemon that they wanted and gave up. Meanwhile, a armored van was driving down the street. Inside is 4 armed guards holding down 4 ribbon like arms.

Guard 1: How far is the check point?

Guard 2: Almost there, they can finally put down this "demon".

Guard 3: Why not we do it ourselves?

Guard 4: Because of the system my friend, we can't take justice into our own hands.

Guard 2: I agree.

Guard 3: Well I don't. Do you have any idea how many this thing killed?

Guard 1: I've heard it has a kill count of hundreds of humans.

Then one of the guards was distracted and the ribbon got a hold a grenade. It pulled the pin and then used one of the guards as a human shield.

Guard 3: Shit!

The blast made the van crash into a building. The back of the van door opened and out comes one of the dangerous creatures that has ever walked on this earth. The driver stumbles out with her head bleeding. She sees the "demon" and was about to pull the gun on herself, so she doesn't have to suffer. However, the Pokemon taken the gun and shot the driver in her crotch and legs. Then it leaves the scene as the driver screamed in pain. Back to (Y/N) and Johnny, they was walking back to the apartment with no Pokemon.

(Y/N): I can't believe it! There's not a single Pokemon we wanted in this city.

Johnny: I take back what I said, I just any Pokemon dude. Even if it's a fairy type I'll take it.

Then, coming out the alleyway...

(Y/N): Wait, Johnny. Do you see that?

A Pokemon came to them and it made a cute smile at them.

Johnny: Whoa, a Pokemon!

(Y/N) crouch down and offered his hand to Pokemon.

(Y/N): My name is (Y/N), what's yours?

Sylveon: Sylveon!

(Y/N): Your so cute~ can we have her?!

Johnny: Well... It doesn't look like it has a owner, so hell yeah we'll take her!

The Sylveon follow them into the building, what they don't know is how much bloodshed will spill because of her. They brought her into their apartment and the Sylveon pretended to be amazed.

(Y/N): So this is where you'll be staying and you can sleep in any room you want.

Johnny: Except my room, I do a lot of "meditation" in there every night.

(Y/N): Hey Johnny I just realized. We don't have anything to feed her and a place for her to do her business.

Johnny: You right! How about you give me the 1,000 Pokedollars and I'll combine my money with it to buy our new roommate the necessities.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now