i. "Im going to war"

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"I heard you took in a little girl," I said as I sat down on a bench outside the man's home. His maid set a cup of tea in front of me. "Major?"

"She's just a kid. I can't let her only memories be that of war," Major sighed while looking over to the window behind me. "I've decided to call her 'Violet'."

I turned around to see a beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed girl looking out the window at the Major. She was transfixed on him. "How pretty! She definitely looks like a Violet, Major Bougainvillea." She looked like a porcelain doll.

"However, she'll be going to war with me. After that, we'll come back and I'll make sure to give her a childhood."

"You're not going to leave her here Major? I would have thought you wouldn't use her for war. I heard she was discarded by your brother because he didn't have a use for her anymore?" I grew a little angry that he just said he didn't want to use her for war.

"I'm going to try to not have her get involv-"

"And what do you mean by that Major?" I stood up, looking down at him. "A child in war, how ridiculous of you to even think such a thought! It's unfair Major Gilbert!"

"(Y/N) please, it's the only thing I can do right now."

"What does my brother think about this Major?" I saw Gilbert's eyes widen. "He doesn't know yet, does he?"

"No, he doesn't."

I sighed. "Please take care of that child. I beg of you." I love the Major. With all my heart. "I have to take my leave." Violet rushed out the door and ran towards the Major.

"Violet, this is (Y/N) Hodgins. She's very special to me."

"What do you mean by special?" Violet spoke.

"You'll see in time," the Major pat her head as she looked over to me. "But she has to leave now, we have to say goodbye."

Violet walked over and spoke. "Goodbye Lady Hodgins."

"Goodbye Violet, it was very nice meeting you, and you don't have to be so formal with me," I shot her a wink. She slowly looked away, almost expressionless. "She'll get better, I know you'll teach her Major Gilbert." I bowed my head. "Please take care in your travels and please return home safe. There are things I need to tell you that I don't have the confidence for yet Major."

Major walked over and gave me an unexpected hug. "I'll do anything for you."

My face turned a bright shade of pink. "Oh don't be silly," I gulped. "I should get going now, goodbye Major."

"Goodbye Lady Hodgins."

"I'll write you Major. I'll write you so many letters you won't know what to do with them all!" I spoke as I walked down the path to the street.

I'll write so many letters, that maybe you'll fall in love with me too.

• • •

"Ms. Hodgins, you've received a letter!"

I've wrote Major seven letters discussing how life is back at home and how much I dearly miss my conversations with him. I've received six letters back that state that him and Violet are doing well and that I shouldn't be worrying about them and that they'll have a safe return.

However, everything changed within this last letter.

"Oh, I thought it would be from the Major," I sighed, sliding a blade across the envelope to reveal a note. I covered my mouth to muffle my cries as I read into the letter, stating they couldn't find Major Gilbert Bougainvillea. I was terrified that they couldn't find Violet either.

The door opened revealing my brother, coming home from his travels. "Claudia.." Claudia ran to me and gave me a tight hug as we fell to the floor. "I told him to be careful and to take care of Violet," I cried. "I love him Claudia, and there is nothing I can do now," I buried my face into his chest.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), I wish I could have been there, maybe things could have changed."

"Then maybe you'd be dead too."

"We don't know if he's dead yet, we just know we haven't found a body.."

"This is not reassurance. Maybe he is alive Claudia. I pray he is alive."

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