Chapter Twelve

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To my relief alpha Nathan agreed for us to hold the high tea in the meadow. At first I was concerned he'd realize it was a scheme from my part. but I guess he just wants Josephine to be happy.

What if he realizes I planned for Josephine to come up with this idea? But why would he? As far as he's concerned, it's nothing more than an innocent idea of celebrating summer amongst us women. In any other circumstance I would have loved the thought of enjoying the outside weather with other females. But in order to regain my freedom I shouldn't get too attached to this, I should keep my distance and indifference.

So right now Josephine and I are preparing everything for the little get-together. I'm slightly nervous because I'm not sure when or how alpha James is going to attack us. Only that he's going to do it and I should watch out for any sign they're giving me.

I glance at our work and smile. It actually looks nice. We've asked some of the guys to help us carry tables to the meadow so that we could put the dishes on display. We used white tablecloths, making everything look fancy. The utensils are shining brightly because we polished them thoroughly. It's almost as if they're silver, but obviously they're not since we don't do silver.

"It actually looks really great," I say happily and a little proud. Josephine nods her head and grins, too.

"We did good!" She exclaims. "I'm sure the others will love it, too!"Not much later one by one all the women come into the meadow. There's light chatter and laughter can be heard. They're all enjoying this little get-away. It's clear that it was much needed, and I'm wondering what has gotten everybody this stressed. I'm only an observer as I don't know anyone who's here. Surely I know Josephine, Isabelle and Macy, but they are all engaged in conversations with others. And I'm kind of afraid to just walk up to them and join in.

How can I talk to them as if nothing's wrong? As if I'm not betraying them? I can't do this. I shouldn't do this. Lainie, what's gotten into us? I ask her as reality dawns upon me. I'm really capable of hurting others in order to gain my freedom? That's so selfish, not to mention wrong.

I should stop this before it's too late. Maybe I should just leave and run. Although I know I won't get very far when alpha James finds out I bailed. Also, no matter what I'm going to do, he is going to attack everybody today. I should save as many as I can. He won't actually kill people, right?

I'm feeling lightheaded and a layer of sweat forms on my forehead as I feel the beginning of a panic attack. My breathing comes ragged and my chest is rising and falling rapidly. Think Jennifer, think!

I frantically look around, searching my surroundings for wolves that aren't supposed to be there. Will my friends be part of the plan? Will they all turn into killers as of today? I can't let that happen. I won't let them live with the guilt they're bound to feel.

Josephine notices the state I'm in and walks up to me. She puts her hands on my shoulders and looks really concerned for me. She shouldn't feel concerned for me, but for her! There's a chance she's going to get killed today. I try to even my breathing, but it seems an impossible job. I need to tell her what I did. I need to tell her they're coming to attack us.

"We should head back," I breathe out. Now she looks even more confused and concerned. "We're in great danger." I continue. Josephine looks around, searching the surroundings. But there is nothing to be seen. Only the women who are clearly having a good time. Right now it seems as though I'm going insane. But I'm not! I did this! "Please!" I beg.

"Jennifer, calm down." She orders me, but I can't do it. They're going to kill us! When alpha James finds out I'm not going through with the plan, he will kill all of us!

I start to sob and cover my face with my hands. No. No. No! What should I do?

"Josephine we don't have time!" I get angry now. "We. Need. To. Go." I grit my teeth and pull her arm. It looks like she finally realizes how serious I am and she shouts and orders for everyone to run back to the packhouse. But it won't be of any use. We're too late. Still, running for our lives feels better than to sit around and wait.

Without any questions the women do as they're told by Josephine. They must really trust her. I envy that. Seeing everybody interact so freely and happily with each other, makes me wish that my pack were like that. Instead we are all driven by fear. Fear of what our alpha will do to us.

We're all in the middle of the woods when I can hear howls in the distance. I recognize it immediately. Alpha James is coming. He knows I'm running. They're growls are getting louder and louder and we can hear the steady rhythm of their paws hitting the mushy and soft ground. I look at Josephine in panic. "Mindlink Liam, Nathan anyone!" I ask.

She merely nods her head. "Already on it. They're on their way." But it won't be fast enough. The first sounds of women screaming hit my ears and I have to choke back a sob. I can't break down now. I must stop this. This is my doing.

I turn around and run back. In the distance I hear Josephine calling out my name, but I keep on running. I must fix this. I recognize the wolf of Allyssa and a few of my other friends. When she sees me, she halts and looks at me with relief. "Please, don't hurt them." I beg her. "It's wrong. They didn't do anything wrong, I realize that now." I whisper, but she's heard me loud and clearly.

Without blinking she shifts back and I hand her my jacket. "You're choosing their side now?" She asks, hurt. I hang my head and nod slowly.

"I was wrong to think I needed revenge, or regain my freedom." I whisper. Allyssa tilts her head to the side, waiting for me to go on. "By being here, I already gained my freedom. I realize that now. They took me in, they're willing to protect me from alpha James." I've been really stupid. All this time I wanted my freedom back and be in charge of the path I'm choosing, I already had it.

By continuing alpha James' plan, I didn't choose my own path. I chose his. I just was too stupid to realize it. He used my pain and hurt of the loss of my parents against me, to make me do his dirty work.

"I'll mindlink them to stop," she whispers. "Is it really what you want, though?" Allyssa asks unsurely. I nod my head again.

"I think I found my mate," this time I look up. Tears are brimming my eyes and I dare to show a little and small smile. "His name is Liam and he's really good to me. I can't betray him like this." Allyssa nods once again and her eyes glaze over. I know that she's mindlinking the others.

To my relief some of them stop attacking, but of course there are some who are loyal to alpha James and they keep on going. I growl when I see one of them attack Isabelle, they can't kill her baby! They can't kill her! I must save her. I look at Allyssa, nod once, and then I'm shifting mid-air as I'm running to save Isabelle. Please let me be on time.


So I'm taking another turn with this story. She finally realizes revenge isn't the right way, but will it be too late? Or will she be able to save the women who saved her first?

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