I want YOU | Freddy Fazbear

Start from the beginning

After that problem with Vanessa was solved, Scott needed to deal with the new animatronics, most of them have been causing trouble except the lead singer of the band. which was rather odd. But he didn't think any further about Freddy Fazbear, he was more focused on the others. Glamrock Chica, the newest, and improved version of Chica the Chicken of one of their oldest animatronics, she had a very bad habit of overeating Pizza, things from the Fazcafe, and garbage from the trash all over the PizzaPlex.

Next was Roxanne Wolf, she was the new version of Foxy the Pirate Fox, but this time they decided to put another girl on the team for the main band members of the Fazbear Entertainment. Her problem is that she has been talking to herself about how great she is, how she isn't a loser, and how all of the fans were looking at her. Even though most of them were looking at Freddy Fazbear; the main star of the PizzaPlex. 

Next is Montgomery Gator, who was supposed to be a side animatronic like Sun and Moon; the Daycare attendant animatronics. But that quickly changed when Bonnie got decommissioned inside of Monty's Gator Golf. Bonnie was known for being the second most favorite animatronics of the band, and he even had his own attraction; "Bonnie Bowl". But since Montgomery Gator already had the sharp claws for playing the bass, He was assigned to be the new Bonnie of the group. And of course, the main mascots greeted him warmly, and he did towards them. But he had a very bad temper whenever children or adults talk about him about how he decommissioned Bonnie just so he can be the second star of the show. So yeah, a short-ill temper alligator animatronic with very sharp claws that breaks absolutely anything was a very big problem. 

And for Freddy Fazbear? 

He was rather the most normal, reasonable animatronics out of them all. He was very good with the kids, he sang perfectly unlike Glamrock Chica, and he was very well manner! He was quite the total opposite of the problematic animatronics. But as soon as Scott looked away from Freddy Fazbear, he knew something terrible was going to happen because, who would have known that a sweet, and caring animatronics like Freddy Fazbear himself, could become a very lovesick serial killer because of a certain human woman? 


        As the sun once again rose to greet your side of the earth with a very warm welcome to another day, you gladly took the warm welcome and started your day with your normal healthy routine. You also absolutely love the loud noises that come from inside of the beautiful city in Utah, it made you wake up a bit more for you to start your day. The beeping, the loud yelling of construction workers, and very loud advertising voices ringed very loud throughout the city's buildings. It was such a beautiful noise for you to hear.  

"Alright, everybody! Let's start with a quick warm-up before we start exercising for the day! Let me see you do some waves!" The blonde ponytailed woman with a green and black sports outfit, started to move her arms in circles as she stare at you from the T.V You then did the same things she did as you started your warm-up. Ever since you were a young child, about thirty or twenty years ago, you were known for being fit and you were all about exercising. Exercising was a way for you to calm your nerves, and forget about all the burdens or mistakes you did from last night or the day before that. It was quite a normal, and relaxing thing for you to do. You also listen to Zen music as you do some yoga in the early morning, or at night right before you go to bed or get up to start your fantastic day. 

Just as the episode of the exercising show went to a commercial, you looked up at your vintage clock that was set on a board above your small T.V, it said nine forty-five A.M. "Oh! Look at the time, I should get breakfast before it gets late." The [Your Color Hair]-ette said as she grabbed her custom-colored T.V remote. Once the T.V fully shut off, she took some steps and she was then inside her kitchen. You then set the T.V remote on your counter and made your breakfast. Your breakfast contained Strawberry and cherry crepes with powder sugar on top of them along with a glass of chocolate milk. Not the most healthiest meal for breakfast, but it was rather delicious for you. As you finished cleaning up and doing the dishes, you decided to eat outside of your west balcony.

That balcony was small, but it had a glass stand that could handle the weight of your meal and your refreshing chocolate milk. It also has a comfy chair that was rather soft with a soft blanket on it, along with the comfy sofa chair and glass stand, it has an amazing view of the city you are in. The balcony also is about three or four stories high, which is kind of scary to sit on since it's pretty high up. 

The woman grabbed her plate of crepes, and a glass of chocolate milk and headed towards the west balcony to enjoy her meal. As she approached the doors that lead to the west area, her dull-pink vintage phone started to ring off the hook. You went by your couch and set your breakfast on the small rectangle glass table, and reached towards your phone, and picked it up as it rang one last time before you grabbed it. "Hello? This is [Y/N] [L/N] speaking!" She said as she happily asked whoever was on the other side of the phone line. The voice on the other side cleared their voice and replied, "Hello [Y/N]! It's me, Scott! It's been a while since we last saw each other. I was wondering how you were doing?" You softly laughed and answered his question. "I'm doing fine dear brother, I should be the one asking you that, hm?"

It was true that Scott Cawthon was your brother, but he was also your closest relative since you both live in this city along with his family.  Scott had a wife, and three children, his wife's name was Marguerite Cawthon she was rather a very kind, and caring soul. His children were named Ian Cawthon, Braden Cawthon, and Gregory Cawthon. Ian and Braden are both adults that had recently started living their life to the fullest while their third son, who is currently twelve years old, was Gregory. He is known for being the most emotional one, and not trusting anyone except a few. His father, mother, and you. You were his most favorite person in the whole world, you understood him, you gave him hugs and things he wanted or needed. 

Scott then laughed, "Haha yeah I'm doing fine. But I'm calling you because someone wants to see you. You would be able to make it, won't you [Y/N]?" As you thought about who was this someone who wanted to see you, you remembered that it could've been Gregory since he missed you, and your cooking. Mostly your cooking. "Yes, I'll be able to make it." In the background, there was a kid that sounded very familiar to you, it was Gregory! "Yes, yes, yes! I can't wait for you to come over!" Yelled Gregory as Scott laughed, and snorted. "Ok Gregory, give me back the phone, I still need to talk to your aunt about other things." You softly giggled as Gregory groaned and gave the phone back to his father. "Ok dad, but I'm gonna go now, Monty is going to start his bass solo!" Squealed Gregory as you heard thumping meaning he was running away from his father, and the conservation. 

"Kids these days huh?" Scott said which made you laugh. "Haha, good thing I don't have them." You both laughed for a while until Scott mentions some things. "Ok [Y/N], can you meet me at the entrance of the Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex around eleven-thirty A.M?" You nodded your head and agreed to Scott's words. "Yes, of course! I'll be there very soon, thank you for inviting me, dear." 

You smiled and looked over at the right to see your breakfast meal. You almost forgot about it! "No, I thank you [Y/N]. You have been nothing but kind and generous towards us, and we don't know how to repay you. If you need anything, literally anything please tell me." You took a small sip of your chocolate milk and happily replied to Scott's sweet words. "You don't need to thank me, dear brother, I'm just doing what's best for everyone. Now I'll see you later I still need to finish my meal before it gets late to eat this."

You happily said as you took a butter knife and cut off a very small piece of your cherry and strawberry mixed crepes, and took a piece to eat it with your fork. "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't know you were eating [Y/N] I'll leave you alone now, see you at eleven-thirty alright?" And before you could say goodbye, he hung up the phone, making everything silent. You look at the phone confused, but then you shrugged and put the phone back, and decided to finally eat your breakfast. 


If you want a part two of a crazy lovesick animatronic bear that wants you, just comment about the best thing you love about this book or Oneshot and say you want a part two :]] 

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