Chapter 4: Helping a Innocent sister

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[Narrating time]

We see Grimm looking out of the house which is very sunny today, while having a nice cup of tea.

While Grimm was drinking his tea, he turned and saw the audience.

Grimm:"oh hey everyone, Bonne lecture. My name is Grimm"

Grimm:"Previously of our heroes, Kazuhiro and Sora was investigating something then found out they were coming against a stray devil. But they were able to defeated it but then Rias came with her peerage and try to fight those two but fail, now we come across Donner who's trying to help a girl...... I wonder what's install for him?"

[Narrating end]

{Donner's POV}

I couldn't help myself of how beautiful this person is.

????:"uumm, sir?" The girl's call brought me back and then I took her hand for her to stand up.

Me:"Are you okay ma'am?"

????:"yes. thank you for helping me, I'm such a klutz"

Me:"you're welcome, it's the least I can do"

????:".... Oh, let me introduce myself. My name is Asia Argento"

[???? To Asia]

Me:"that's a nice name..... I'm Donner, Donner Teodoro"

Asia:"nice to meet you Donner"

Me:"nice to meet you too, let me help you with your luggage"

Asia:"oh there's no nee-"

Me:"I insist" then I helped with Asia's luggage.

Asia:"thank you"

Me:"you're welcome" but as I look at Asia, she looks like a nun.

Me:"so what's a nun doing here in Japan?"

Asia:"oh, I was here for the church here that assigned me to come"

Me:"where might that be?"

Asia:"just on top of the hill over there" she pointed at where it is and it was on top at the hill.

Me:"oh.... would you like me to accompany you there?"

Asia:"you don't have to"

Me:"oh I know I don't have to, but I want to"

Asia:"how very sweet of you"

Me:*Chuckles a bit* "I just like to help people" we then began to walk to the church until we heard crying, and we both saw a little boy who injured his leg.

I saw Asia went up to the boy and put her hands on her knees, and it began to glow.

Asia:"big boys like you shouldn't cry"

I was very surprised at that, does she have a sacred gear that can heal people.... I'll ask her later.

After she was done healing the boy, Asia came back to me and saw my face when she healed the kid.

Asia:"....I guess the secret's out isn't it?"

Me:"you helped heal that boy's leg"

Asia:"why yes I did, as I was given this gift from God"

Me:"you must be very grateful to have this gift"

Asia:"yep" she sadly smiles for a sec until she looked up to me with a happy smile.

I can see that something was up, but I decide not to question any further.

Me:"anyway, shall we go?"

Asia:"yes please" we then started to make our way into the church.

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