Letting it out

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Severia walked upto the Astronomy Tower  and sat on the edge and tears started pouring out of her eyes.Soon she was a crying mess.She opened her mouth and screamed but no sound came yet she felt as if her pain was getting out of her body.

There it was a dark cloaked figure entering a room.....He moved towards a crib......a woman kneeled infront of the crib.......her face blurry........."mumma loves you lil"..she heard her name being called so lovingly...she could actually hear now....it was her mother who called her name.....then the man pointed his wand towards them and her mother begged to let her children go........then a flash of green light and the woman fell on the ground her body lifeless,face still blurry.......the cries of the baby stopped as soon as she saw the green light....then it was all gone in black air......

Severia shivered with the mere thought of the memory.Tears rolled down her eyes again remembering the woman who she was sure was her mother.She sat their crying till no more tears came and their was only sound of very soft sniffles.

Suddenly their was a flash of light and Severia turned towards it and when the light lowered she saw who had casted it.

Severus Snape.

"What are you doing here Miss Adams?"Severus asked,he wanted to yell at her for being out late at night past curfew but when he saw her tear-stricken face and red eyes his words came out a bit concernly and softly.

Severia didn't had her wand with herself so she pointed at his wand with her hand and he gave her a confused look.She again gestured for his wand and he very hesitantly gave it to her.

With a wave of the wand golden words emerged in bright golden letters.

"I couldn't get any sleep"

"Why is that?"He asked.

She didn't do anything.

Then Severus Snape did what he never thought he would have ever done,he sat down beside her and asked her.

"What is it that is bothering you Severia?"he asked softly.

Severia sniffled a bit and tears poured out of her eyes again.

"Do you feel better?"He asked and conjured a handkerchief and gave it to her.

Severia wiped her tears and nodded her head.

"Would you like to share it with me?...or you can talk to anyone else you feel better with"Severus said.

Severia shook her head in denial.Severus sighed and didn't asked further.

"It was a memory...I don't even know if it is my imagination or reality"

Golden words emerged infront of Severus and he looked at her.

"I don't know what it means but it is very scary and dark...... there is this green flash of light and a dark hooded figure enters a room and a lady begs him to let her children go...but he points his wand on her and within a min she fells lifeless on the ground....I don't even know how she looks...but i can hear her soft yet frightened voice i can actually hear her ..... telling me she loves me......i saw my one year old self crying and then my voice just dies down and no sound comes.....

Severus looked at the golden words and then his eyes widened as he read them.Was she there when the Dark Lord killed lily and James Potter?How could she be?...why is she having such vision?...Is she actually Lily's daughter?....Can it be that she is Potter's twin?What if she also had survived the killing curse that night??He didn't had any answers for his questions but he knows who might have the answers.

"Do you have an unusual scar on your body? Don't think that I am being creepy...i know it's a bit weired but do you have a kind of lightening bolt kind of scar or any usual scar which you didn't remember having formed on your body because of some injury?"asked Severus.

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