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It was just a week that the term had started and Severia's performance in her classes so far was pretty good.The teacher's appreciated her efforts and intelligence.Hermione was the most shaken person due to her arrival,Severia was dam good and a great competition for Hermione,but she wasn't a know it all, Severia didn't jumped to say answers,she was patient and calm.

Severia was on her way to the great hall for breakfast now,when she saw a first year Hufflepuff crying and walking ahead of her.She jogged upto him and stopped him and gave him a soft smile and waved her wand to bring out words.

"What happened?"The golden words displayed.The first year Hufflepuff read them through teary eyes and answered.

"I was trying to learn a slicing spell on a goblet which I had held in my left hand and sliced my hand instead,it hurts and won't stop bleeding"said the teary eyed Hufflepuff.

Severia's heart clenched at the blood pouring out of the large cut on the boy's palm,she was gifted in every subject except healing,she never was right in healing wounds,but she surely did had another gift.

Severia took the boy's palm in her own and kept her right hand on the bleeding hand and closed her eyes and started to feel his pain and then opened her eyes.The boy looked at her wide eyed as his bleeding palm was all well again without any hint of cut or blood.He smiled brightly at him and gave her a hug and thanked her and left for breakfast.

Severia smiled at the retreating figure of the boy and then sighed when the boy escaped from her vision and then began her way towards the hospital wing.

"How did you get such big cut dear?"Madam Pompfrey asked, casting a healing spell on the girl and healing her cut.

"I was just careless"Severia waved her wand and golden words emerged from it.

"Oh dear you should be careful"Madam Pompfrey said and Severia just nodded.

Severia thanked the school nurse and left the hospital wing towards her first lecture as she had missed her breakfast.

She entered her charms class and was a bit late but Professor Filtwick was kind enough to let her in without any scolding.

She went and sat on the empty seat near a Ravenclaw boy.

Severia now had visited the hospital wing more than a dozen time in the past week and Madam Pompfrey was hell worried for the girl,she always seemed to be hurt,either it would be a small gash,a cut,a bruise,or she would have headache, stomachache or any other pain.Everytime the girl would give lame excuses.

In one such staff meeting,Madam Pompfrey raised her concern for the girl and said.

"Headmaster the girl has visited the hospital wing more than Harry Potter himself had done,she is always in some or the other pain,I am worried about her,I think she is being bullied by other students or she something is not right with her"Pompfrey said.

Albus Dumbeldore was concerned for the girl now,she was not just any ordinary girl but the girl who lived but nobody knew about, nothing wrong shall happen to her.

"Thanx for sharing your concern Madam Pompfrey, I shall look into the matter"Albus said and the meeting ended.

"Albus I shall stay here when you talk to the girl as the head of her house"Minerva said and Albus nodded.

Severus wanted to stay too,but what excuse shall he come up with.

"Severus I think you may leave now"Minerva said as she looked he stayed and didn't left as the other teachers did.

"I have a reason to stay here as Miss Adams is one of my bright students as well"He said.

Minerva was about to object but Albus stopped her and just agreed with Severus.He clearly knew what reasons Severus had to stay here.

As Severia entered the Headmaster's office she was greeted with not one but 2 of her other professors as well.Snape sat on the chair in front of Albus and beside him sat Minerva Macgonall.

Severia nodded politely at the three of them.

"Miss Adams have a seat please"Albus said.

Severia sat on a chair across from his professors.

"Would you like some lemon drops?"The Headmaster asked and Severia politely declined his offer.

"Am I in trouble Professor?"Severia waved her wand and words emerged in front of the three professors.

"No my dear.....I am just concerned about your visits to the hospital wing"Headmaster said and Severia sighed,she knew it would not end well,but she couldn't help her actions.

"Is someone bullying you?is someone hurting you?"The Headmaster asked with that grandfatherly aura surrounding him and that bright twinkle in his blue eyes.

"No professor they were just accidents"Severia waved her wand as words emerged from it.

"Surely so many accidents cannot happen with one person all the time"Snape spoke in his usual voice looking at the girl.

"Miss Adams we are here to help you.....you can come to us with any of your problems"Minerva said softly.

The girl sighed,she knew she had to tell them,she didn't had any other option.She looked up at the three of them and then waved her wand to pop words out of it.

"Please don't think I am crazy,but I can absorb other people's pain and suffering"The words stated and the three professors were slightly shocked and surprised at what the words said.

"Please elaborate"The Headmaster asked in a serious tone.

Severia sighed and casted another set of words from her wand.

"If someone is hurt or is suffering from any pain,I can take that pain and suffering away from them by enduring it myself....I can relieve someone from there pain but with the cost of suffering from it myself"The words said as the professors read them and looked at her wide eyed, thinking that the girl was playing a prank on them.

"Are you saying the truth or is this a silly prank Miss Adams"Minerva asked.

"It is the truth professor"Words emerged out from Severia's wand.

"Impressive....how did you learnt about your strange gift?"The Headmaster asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"When I was 7 one of the young kid in my orphanage had a really bad fever and I was sitting beside him, thinking of reliving him from his illness and wishing I were the one to endure it instead of him and the next moment I had high fever and the boy was all healthy"Severia casted words from her wand and the professors read them.

"Can you show me how you do it?"The Headmaster asked.

"Someone needs to be hurt for it,then only it works"Severia waved her wand and casted words.

The headmaster then cut his finger tip with a knife that was kept on his table and blood started oozing out of the wound.He raised his hand infront of her and Severia sighed but took it in her own hand and kept her right hand on the cut and closed her eyes, within a sec the Headmaster's bleeding hand was all fine and Severia had a cut on her finger and blood oozed from it.Severus and Minerva were shocked to see the girl's odd power.

"Brilliant...but I think you should stop doing so to yourself Miss Adams,the school has a hospital wing for those who are injured,you can't just hurt yourself...do you get that?"The Headmaster said and Severia slowly nodded her head.The Headmaster casted a healing spell and Severia's finger was fine.

"You may leave Miss Adams...but remember you shall not visit the hospital wing for other's injuries....Madam Pompfrey had a fright because of you"The Headmaster said the last part chuckling and Severia laughed as well but it was a soundless laughter,only her eyes shone bright and her face was curved into a beautiful laughter.

She nodded at the Headmaster's advice and left his office.

Then after her visit with the headmaster Severia's visits to the hospital wing reduced and Madam Pompfrey was glad about it.The Headmaster had asked her to keep her power a secret and she had complied to it not sharing it with anybody,not that she had friends to share it with.She spoke to one or two of her classmates but she hadn't had any luck in making friends yet.

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