Un just came out to his father. And Nan hearing that Un have brothers made him think if he is the youngest.

"Did you force yourself to watch those Pa?" Bas shake his head towards his son. He isn't force, they wanted to understand it. Him and his wife knows that their sons happiness comes first and if they're loved by the person they are with. Sexuality is not a big issue. They just want their kids to love with no limitations. They want to be included in their sons life.

"No, your Ma likes it. But some of it no. She just like sweet stories," Un nod and smile. The older man finished his coffee. Nan excused himself, going back to the kitchen, to pack some of the food he cooked so that Un's parents can try his cooking.

Nan put the container inside the paper bag. He do hope it pass the standard Un's mother has when it comes to cooking.


After saying their goodbyes, it's already 12:30 A.M., the couple eat quietly. Enjoying each other's company.

"Un," Nan started, he wanted to talk about what happen earlier with his family. He wants Un to know. He doesn't want to keep his lover in the dark regarding himself.

"Hmm?" Un stopped eating and focus on him.

"About earlier," Un smile.

"Are you ready to share it?" Nan nod.

"I'm listening tua eng," Nan gave a big sigh.

"Well you see our house earlier, you already have an idea what's the status our family have," Un nod, that luxurious house screams money.

"Since I was born, my father, never acknowledge me as his son, the only son he acknowledge is that son he have from his previous lover," Un's heart aches for Nan. He can't imagine because him and his brothers grew up in a loving household. Nan's bitter smile made Un frown.

"At first, I thought maybe I need to achieve many things in my life for my father to give me an ounce of his affection. But no matter how hard I try, acknowledgement really never goes in my way. I met Mork when we are little since we go in the same school till we go older. He and his family felt more like my family than the Chareonphon," Now Un understand why Mork always worries for Nan.

"My mother, she tried you know, but she's working with art galleries around the world. While my father, who is not even sure if I am his son for real, attends fashion shows, social activities and art galleries," Un eyes widen. What? Muang Nan didn't have his father's care because of that? Is that his fault though? Why did they neglect a child that didn't have anything to do about their feud? Just why?

"All of it, through ups and downs Mork was there with me. If I needed a parent to go and accept awards or medals in school, Mork's parents go for me. They are my family,"

"Now I understood why Mork acts like your older brother," Un said as he nod understanding.

"Hmm well I did say in highschool that Mork is my boyfriend to keep people off my neck," Nan chuckle remembering how mortified Mork look when he heard Muang Nan said they're in a relationship. Un smile looking at Nan who's eyes is different than before. Nan's sorrowful eyes the first time that they met each other, is now getting clearer. Happiness looks good on Muang Nan and Un wants to keep it that way.

"Well, earlier... My father who is in doubt that I am his son got a doctor at home to get me tested for paternity," Nan chuckle bitterly.

"I gave them what they want, then I just wanted to go home to you," His eyes wells up. After twenty years his father, out of the blue decided that he wants to know if Nan is his son? Why didn't he do that when Nan is still small? So many questions.

They eat in comfortable silence. They look at each other again and smile. Un is thankful that Nan trust him enough to let him in, specially with that sensitive topic. Un thought, what would he be doing if Muang Nan didn't save him that time. That same day that they met each other. The same date he wanted to die because of loneliness.


"How is it?" Bas asked his wife. Som, Un's mother smile warmly.

"It's good," She's thinking where did her husband find this in the middle of the night after visiting their son?

"Un cook this?" That's unexpected if his son cooks this. This takes patience, Un have little when it comes to cooking.

Bas smiled at his wife and shook his head. Som frown. Who did?

"Muang Nan cooked that," Som stopped eating and looked at her husband.

"Is Muang Nan, Un's-" Bas nod at his wife. Som beams at him.

"So tell me more!" God, Som is so happy. Un finally is taking someone home with him.

"Muang Nan makes good coffee Ma, looks like a very nice kid, we'll meet them after their semester. Un already told me,"

"Ohhhh! I wanna finish this and sleep, I want to call Un first thing in the morning," Bas chuckle.

"Calm down will you?" But Som can't contain her happiness, getting her phone she called Un's two older brothers and the youngest. They're all required to go home after Un's semester.

Bas just shook his head in disbelief. Well goodluck Un, Bas thought. He'll have so much fun once Som meet the Muang Nan that took their son's heart.


Oh finally he is back in Thailand, there's a reason why he's back. He just want to do one thing, he wants to have a word with Muang Nan.

It's been two years, he knows how traumatizing that was for the young man. But he just wanted to see him, he wants to talk to him. If it's possible he wants to hug him.

It's been years since he last saw him. But this time he is ready, he hopes Muang Nan is ready to talk to him too.

He is still in love with him.

His thoughts about Muang Nan got cut off with a ring.

He saw the caller I.D. and answer it right away.

"Hello love," He said as he answer his wife's call.

"Hey hun, you landed in Thailand already?" His wife asked as he heard their daughter cry. He smile.

"Yes just got out of the airport, is everything okay over there? When's your flight again with Mia?"

"Oh, next week. I miss you, we'll see you soon,"

"Okay love, go back to sleep," the woman on the other line agreed and ended the call. He should feel guilty right now but the only thing he is thinking about is to talk to Muang Nan as soon as possible, before his wife flies back to Thailand.

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