"Muang Nan, how's your studies?" Utensils are dropped down. Everyone is in disbelief. His father who didn't acknowledge him since he was born is asking him for the first time how is his studies? His head is still down facing his plate, eyes wide open. Did he hear it right?

"Papa?" His sister asked their father still in disbelief. Nan is not close with his sisters. They don't even look at each other.

"Muang Nan," His father's voice echoed inside the dining area. What? He blink and turn to where his father is sitted. The older man is waiting for his answers.

"It's fine," Nan said not giving too many words. It will be just weird if he said too much than the question his father asked.

"Mr. Charoenphon, the doctor is here," A maid said. A doctor? For what? His father's health?

"Let him in," The doctor is in just business attire enter the room and wai. What is happening? He looked at his mother who's face is clear with anger.

"Dr. Samrit, that is Muang Nan, you can start," The doctor nod and walk towards where Nan is sitted.

"What's the meaning of this?" Nan asked his father.

"You wanted acknowledgement from me, I want to know first if it's true, that you really are my son," What? He look at his mother who is so mad but keeping it inside. So this is the reason why the man won't even acknowledge him in the first place, because he thinks that Muang Nan is conceived out of an affair.

Nan's anger and confusion is making it hard for him to breathe. What is this? After twenty years? Why didn't they do it when he still didn't understood all of this stuff? He laugh. A laugh that held no emotions.

"What will happen if it turns out that I am your son? Then what?"

"Then I acknowledge you," Not the answer that he wants to hear.

"But if not? Then no acknowledgement?" They already hurt him from years now they want to put the last nail on the coffin for him?


"Ha! If I am your son, please remember. I loathe you till the day I die," He said signaling the doctor to swab the insides of of his mouth and took a few samples of his hair.

"Are we done here? I want out," Fuck this family.

Muang Nan walk out of the dining room as he heard his mother wail ring against the silence of his father and two sisters.

He open his bedroom door and a suitcase getting all of his stuff that he can fit in it. He took another suitcase for more things. He heard someone running to check his room. He heard his mother gasp, she put her hand on his bicep to stopping him from packing his things.

"Nan, talk to me," His mind is blank, he just want to go home. He took his phone out of his pocket and click Un's number right away. One ring and he heard his boyfriend's voice.

"Hey you," Un's happy greeting was replaced with worry when he heard someone crying in the background. It's a woman.

"Mother, not right now," Un heard Nan said to the woman who's trying to talk or explain something.

"Un, can you pick me up, I have too much stuff. I'll send you the address please,"

"Uhm, I'll be there," Un take his jacket and keys. He is so worried about Nan. What the hell happened on that Family dinner.


This is not how Un expected to see when he is about to pick up his boyfriend.

Nan have several suitcases and a duffle bag. He is not in a good mood. Standing beside him his an older woman, in her 40's. She looks a lot like Muang Nan, she's wearing a designer dress and shoes. She's holding on to Nan's arm not really ready to let him go.

Un looked around and his heart drop. Muang Nan's house is a fucking mansion. Luxurious.

"Nan," He said, Nan's face relaxed and gave him a smile. He looks tired. He saw the relief in Nan's eyes when he walk towards him. Nan disengage himself slowly to the woman beside him and run towards Un, hugging him, burying his face on Un's chest.

"Nan, ready to go?" He whispered and Nan nod his head. He won't ask what happen, again he'll wait for Nan to tell him things. There's no rush, he understood that some things takes time and this is one of those.

"Mork doesn't pick you up now?" The woman said making the couple look at her way. She is smiling sadly. She looks at Nan with pain her eyes, she's loosing him. Un can see the unconditional love of the woman for his boyfriend but it looks like they have some distance between them.

"Yes mother," Nan said as her turns to face her again, Un is behind him.

"Mother, this is Un. My boyfriend," Nan's mother smile fondly, looking at them. She knows, just by seeing the two boys interaction, she had a glimpse of their relationship. She nod, understanding her son.

"Nice to meet you Un, I'm Pijittra, Muang Nan's mother. Just call me Nam," Nan's mother said.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Charoenphon," Un said, Nan's mother just smile and nod.

"Such a polite child. Go on now, it's getting late. Nan, answer your phone for me, please. Let's talk soon," Nan nod and gave his mother a faint smile.

"Mae, I'm not mad at you. Please rest well," His mother's eyes well up with tears and nod.

Muang Nan might not have all the answers about what happened tonight at lease he got Un by his side. He knows everything will be better soon.


"Muang Nan, what the fuck did you say?"

"Mork, again. The dinner was about me," Mork let out a string of profanities under his breath.

"I want it in detailed story, I should have gone with you and witness it then punch your father in the face," Nan roll his eyes because he knows Mork, that idiot will really do that. Mork, Meen and their parents are the one Muang Nan treasures the most. They are his family.

"Oh, Nan, dad wants you and Un present next Friday for dinner just to catch up," Mork said making Nan nod.

"Hmm, I'll tell-"

"We'll be there Mork," Un said as he pass by Nan in the kitchen who is making Tom Kha Gai.

"Great! Will message you two where," Mork then said his goodbyes. Un snake his arms around Muang Nan's waist as he cooks. His chin resting in Nan's shoulder.

"Hmm," Un closing his eyes savoring their moments. Peace and quiet.

But then a knock on the door took them out of their moment.

"Un," The guy outside called out. It's already 11 P.M. Sounds older, Muang Nan thought. He turn to see Un's ashen face. Nan frown.

"That's my dad," Well, life is full of surprises.

CROSSOVER [UNxNAN AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora