COMING SOON! Mem/Asa/Hark's Story

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**I decided to start uploading this one as I write it on my Patreon, instead of waiting until it was fully written. This will make for an even less frequent upload than normal, but I figure that will motivate me to write it more :) So if you want, I've already uploaded the first two chapters up there. I have more than that written, but I'm editing them first before uploading them... anywho, I'll upload this here once I get it done, so hopefully soon!!

Anyways, here's a sneak peek & some quotes Asa, Mem, and Hark probably (definitely) said at some point. Enjoy!!*****

For centuries, I walked alone. Everyone I loved taken from me because of my own negligence, greed, lust for power, I spent my days fighting back a darkness I had let into my soul the day my family was ripped from me through no fault of their own. Innocent, beloved, and dear, I never allowed myself another precious emotion until I met him. Until I avenged the wrongs done to him by evil men, and those who followed them. Until I looked into his eyes and saw his soul. The soul of my mate, my beloved, my Asa... and hers beside it.

We were always meant to find her; she was always meant to be ours. From the moment my eyes alighted on my Asa, I knew who she was through him. Knew her soul, her heart, her mind. I knew who she would be, to us, to him... to me. For love for her already sat behind his eyes, a spark that needed only kindling to alight a wildfire in his veins.

The woman who once destroyed my world wore a crown upon her head and sat atop a throne. Many evils in my long life have boasted the same. Power corrupts. It dirties and makes filthy what was once good and pure and clean. It is inevitable, like a west wind, like the sunrise. Like death and birth and breath. So how can I let this woman near my Asa? My sweet, tender, kind mate, who had already been tested and broken by the evils of humans. He needs no more pain. He will not suffer anymore. I vowed it, and by the gods I would not break my vow.

Not even for her.

But how can I keep him safe, when the evil I fear the most is the other piece of our soul? How can I learn to trust her, when the very blood in her veins I hate so much is also a volcano of terrible power waiting to erupt? How do I protect one piece of my heart from another half of it? How do I protect them, when she is the greatest danger to us all?

"I only ever wanted freedom. And if it wasn't going to be given to me, I was going to fucking take it, no matter the cost."

Princess Ameliel Groban, heir to the throne of El'kahr

"You touch one hair on their heads, and I will personally ensure you meet the god of the underworld in more pieces than can be counted. And it will not be a pleasant journey. You will feel every agonizing pore exploding, every piece of your soul being eviscerated. Do you understand me, fuckwit?"

Harkyn of Skov'eik, spirit witch and Bane of Queens

"They're mine. Both of them. And if that means some pain now, some uncertainty or fear now, to have them by my side for the rest of our lives...? Gods, where do I sign? I'd never had a mine before Hark, and now I have two. Two who belong to me, who were made to love and cherish and treasure me. How blessed am I?"

Asa of Keliant, son of Ereik and Traci and beloved of Ravin

Strange Magics 2: Blighted Abyss- a M/M/F fantasy romanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora