Before Únik could reach down to pick the Ūtharan up, Shihiri had appeared at her side, thrusting the little branch back into Hatyara's hands and dragging her to her feet, pushing her forwards. Únik took the opportunity to look behind and wished that she hadn't. Their pursuers had gained upon them. Gained a great deal. And now Únik could see figures upon the horses thundering towards them.

An arrow flew from their pursuers, mid-gallop, and landed some hundred yards away. Únik didn't think that was a mistake. No doubt their pursuers tested the distance between them. That and to instil a fear among Únik and her companions. A message stating their intent.

The sacks of supplies over Únik's shoulder banged and battered against her back and she realised, too late, that they slowed her down far too much. She allowed one to fall behind, clipping her heels as it fell. The food inside far less important than getting away. Seconds later, she allowed the second one to fall, losing her fire making equipment.

Both Hatyara and Shihiri had opened up a gap between them and Únik. Their little legs flashing beneath them, their tiny bodies not holding them back as Únik's bulk did to her. She almost considered ripping away the rolls of furs, tied and hung over her shoulders, and to allow her whale hook to drop, leaving her with nothing, but she doubted they would make any difference.

"Come on, human!" Glancing over her shoulder, Shihiri saw Únik struggling to keep up, Barsa remaining by her side even though he could outpace her with ease.

But Únik could not quicken her pace. Her chest burned as she pushed herself onwards. Sweat slicked her back beneath her furs and woollen clothing. She could feel the muscles in her legs begin to tighten and she doubted she would make it to the inlet. She stopped, turning back, and gripped her whale hook, anticipating the end.

More arrows tested the distance between them as Únik spread her feet, preparing to attempt to slow their pursuers down. If only long enough for Hatyara and Shihiri to make it to the inlet. Her mind became cold as she felt the fear slough away. Now she had made a decision, everything seemed clear. She could see their pursuers, their numbers grown from when last she saw them at the lake.

Then Shihiri appeared at her side, bow unhooked from across her chest. Without a pause, the Fae nocked an arrow, drew and loosed, sending the arrow sailing through the air, arcing, reaching the apex of its flight and then falling. The arrow buried itself into the shoulder of the rider in front, penetrating their armour, causing him to fall from his horse, bringing the horse down as he fell beneath its legs.

That disrupted the others, sending them twisting and jerking in several directions to avoid the tumbling of the rider and the screaming horse as it attempted to thrash back to its feet. Shihiri grabbed Únik's shoulder, spinning her around to face the other way.

"That was bloody stupid!" With a whack from the bow across Únik's backside, Shihiri pushed Únik on towards the inlet.

She hadn't realised how close she had come to their destination. Sweat dripping into her eyes, exhaustion blurring her vision. Whatever it was, she had not seen the inlet less than twenty feet away and, with Shihiri pushing them on, they reached it.

Únik saw Hatyara already sat in a row boat, hidden within the clutch of reeds decorating the bank. The Ice-Kin stood, attempting to help Únik into the boat, but Únik refused her hand. Instead, she turned, patting her thighs to encourage Barsa to get in too. Her hound seemed undecided, looking at her, then back at the chasing enemy. With a bark, he bounded into the boat, turning his frame to stare towards the bank.

Shihiri gripped the prow of the boat and began to push, her bow, quiver and staff had already become thrown onto the floor. Straining, her silver birch skin becoming taut against her cheekbones, Shihiri pushed hard against the boat. Únik moved to the prow, thrusting her whale hook into the water, catching ground and pushing with all her might. After tortuous seconds, the boat began to move, catching the flow of the river, and Shihiri clambered aboard.

Ice-Bound Promise [Wattys 2023 Shortlister]Where stories live. Discover now