Reyna x Drunk!Sage

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A/N: Hello, It's my first female x female one shot so please go easy on me. It's actually requested by my friend who taught me how to play valorant so how could I say no! Feel free to give any suggestions or feedback. Enjoy. 

Reyna x Drunk!Sage

General POV~~~

It was a happy night for Valorant protocol. They were having a party to cheer everyone up. Being in Valorant protocol was a tough job so Brimstone and Viper decided to give their agents a break to refresh them. They had ordered favourite food for everyone, put on good music for them to dance to so everyone could enjoy. The party was going very smoothly. Jett and Phoenix were dancing, Breach and Brimstone were having an eating contest, Killjoy and Raze were discussing some bots, Cypher was just observing others. Sova seemed pretty happy to see the smile on every face when Reyna came to him. She seemed surprised. "Hey, Sova." She greeted him with a rather low voice. Sova knew that something was bothering her. "What's up, Reyna?" He asked with a concerned voice. "Have you seen Sage anywhere?" Sova realized that he hasn't seen her for a while. "Sorry, I have no idea," Sova admitted. "No problem." Reyna was about to leave when Sova suggested her. "Why don't you ask Cypher?" That brightened Reyna's eyes. "Oh yes." She went straight to Cypher who was sitting on a chair with no visible expressions. "Cypher, where is Sage?" Cypher moved his head to face Reyna. "What will I get in return?" Cypher demanded. Reyna wasn't in the mood to play around. She activated her power to warn Cypher. "I will spare your life in return." She said in a terrifying voice. Cypher knew that in the battle of power, he has no chance against Reyna. He accepted the defeat. "She is in the storeroom behind the hall." That was a rather surprising answer. Reyna blinked in disbelief but she knew that Cypher wasn't lying. She headed straight to the storeroom which was completely dark.

She entered the small room with the hope to find her comrade. "Sage..." She called out for her. The only response she got was the sound of sobbing. It was probably the most surprising day for Reyna. It was so unusual that she didn't know how to handle the situation. Her jaw dropped when she finally saw her crying in a corner. Sage was in a pathetic state. She was crying like a baby. Her face was a little tainted. Moreover, there was a glass of milkshake near her which was half empty. "Sage, what are you doing here?" Reyna asked with a surprised tone. Sage looked up at Reyna with teary eyes. When her eyes met hers, she started crying loudly. It was the first time Reyna had seen her like this. Sage was a very mature person but at that moment, the reality was playing games on Reyna. She raised her eyebrow as she processed the current situation. Something struck her as she took the milkshake and smelled it. " expected." Reyna sweatdropped. She was definitely mad at the person who added alcohol to Sage's drink. She wanted to kill them and eat their soul but Sage's tantrum brought her back to reality. Sage extended both her hands at Reyna. "Strooooooobelly...." Reyna was cursing the situation but her mind said 'she looks so cute.' Reyna wasn't sure what to do so she just went along. She handed the strawberry milkshake to Sage. Sage's mood completely changed as she happily fed over a milkshake. Reyna was relieved to see her smiling but that didn't last long. Sage again started crying. "Sage, what's wrong?" "Someone..... *sobs* ....someone ate... *sobs* ... my pizza." Sage said. Reyna mentally facepalmed. It was probably Yoru playing tricks on her. She decided to show hell to Yoru after this. "It's alright Sage...We...Will order another pizza for you." Reyna tried to comfort her. She wasn't an expert on this though. "Promise?" Sage asked with puppy eyes. "Yeah." Reyna was a bit nervous but she couldn't resist that cute mess. The dualist sighed and decided to go with the flow and enjoy that rare situation. She went ahead and sat next to her. "Rey...I'm such a useless person." "Rey!!" Reyna was pleased to have a nickname but the rest of the statement needed most of her attention. "That's not true Sage." "But the battle...I couldn't heal Brimstone...because of me...he was ...gravely injured." Sage was still crying. "It's all my fault." She said. Reyna remembered that incident from years before. She was regretting such an old situation!? "Sage dear, you have saved us a lot of times," Reyna said. Sage looked at her with high hopes. "Really? You think I'm a good girl?" Reyna smiled and nodded. "We love you, Sage." Sage jumped out in happiness and tackled that dualist to the ground. "Prove it." Sage demanded. Reyna couldn't think of anything else. She smirked and decided to play a trick on her. She moved forward and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Sage immediately melted in the kiss. Reyna put a hand behind her face to deepen the kiss. After a while, they had to pull apart to breathe. Sage blushed and hid her face in Reyna's chest. Reyna, being a little evil decided to take advantage of the situation. "You need to confess to me, Sage..." Reyna teased her. Sage was being too shy to say anything. Although she loved the kiss that they shared. "Say it Sage, or I won't love you anymore." Reyna threatened that poor little sentinel. "No...I love you Rey...please don't leave me." Sage pleaded with a cute voice. Reyna was satisfied with that for now. But her mind was constantly thinking about different pranks to pull on her while she was drunk.

The rest of the night almost went like that. They were found in the morning when they were peacefully sleeping in each other's arms. "I told you," Cypher said as everyone was staring at the couple. Yoru rolled his eyes and handed Cypher the reward to win the bet. "I wonder how Reyna will explain everything to Sage once she wakes up," Jett said. "Maybe we can spy on them with Cypher's camera," Phoenix suggested. "Nice idea." And that's how Valorant had a night to remember...At least for those two agents...

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