Phoenix x Jett

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A/n : It took me forever to update. Sorry for that. It's too short but this was the best idea that came to my mind. Hope you like it and thank you for requesting.

General POV~~~
"Okay, I have been watching you both on battlefield and you both fight with great energy as expected from young generation. But I have even higher expectations from you both" Brimstone instructed his two colleagues named Phoenix and Jett who were excellent dualists and often lead the team to victory. Brimstone wanted them to improve their skills as enemy was getting better day by day. That's why Brimstone had called both of his young agents to practice ground. "Looks like the old dog's still got some fire" Phoenix mumbled. Brimstone heard him and glared at him. Phoenix looked at him and understood. "I'm twitchy here, let's go already" Phoenix said. "Race you to the spike site" Jett said as she dashed to the site they were going to practice in. Phoenix, of course, couldn't keep up. Brimstone sighed as they left without listening to his complete instructions. "And I was gonna tell them that their movements will be recorded by Killjoy for analysis...but I don't care I guess"
Jett reached to the ground first where all kind of guns were available. Jett took a ghost and aimed at Phoenix. "This is gonna be fun" as Jett shot at him without second thought. Phoenix easily dodged them and picked up a Spector. For a moment, the firing continued until Jett needed a reload. "Blocking sight" she used her ability to cover her while she reloaded. Phoenix chuckled as he used his hot hands. "Careful now" he aimed that fire right into that windy cloud of Jett. Luckily Jett had already reloaded and thanks to her reflexes, she updrafted to avoid getting hurt. She got away from fire and again started shooting at Phoenix. Jett even went forward and changed her gun to Vendal. Phoenix had to hide now. He was thinking about some good strategy to win. He knew that to counter Vendal, he would need a better gun. He was a little far from rest of the guns. He knew exactly what to do! "Let me show you how the boss does it!" He used his curveball to blind Jett for a while when he picked up an Ares. He started shooting at her...or should I say spamming at her. Jett did take some damage but was able to survive. "This is nothing" Jett said as she took Odin now. And as anyone can expect, for a few minutes, the noise of gunshots filled the surrounding for few minutes. Now both of them are at their limits. Now the competition was at its peak. "Joke's over, you're dead." And Jett picked up Operator. Before Phoenix could aim, she shot directly to his head. Headshot!! Luckily Phoenix's ability saved him as he spawned back at that place. But Jett knew his tactics so she was ready there with a knife pointing at him. Phoenix had no option but to surrender. "Where's that smile Phoenix?" Jett teased him as they sat beside the group to get some rest. "I could win if I had used my full power. I went easy on you." Phoenix tried to hide his defeat under silly excuses. Jett giggled at the male complaining about obvious thing. "Have you ever went all-out?" Jett asked with a raised brow. But the question itself brought back some sorrowful memories to Phoenix. Phoenix went silent and Jett knew that something was wrong. "Hey, are you alright?" Jett asked him with concerned voice. "I...I'm fine." Phoenix said. "You know you're a horrible lier" Phoenix sighed. "There was a time I went all out without even knowing. I...I had burnt down my friends...I..I am resp.. responsible for their deaths" Apparent pain was seen on Phoenix's face. "I'm sorry to hear that" Jett instantly regretted her action. Both of them stayed silent for a while. "You know ... When I got my radient power...I also caused a storm which destroyed the surroundings pretty badly." It felt like both of them shared the same pain. Phoenix looked at her eyes gazing into distant past. He emphasized her...He just took her hand in his. "It...wasn't your fault" Phoenix tried to comfort her. Jett also gripped his hand. "The same goes for you too" Jett looked at him and gave him a supportive smile. Phoenix smiled back in relief. For the first time, he felt like he finally found someone who could understand him. Subconsciously, the gap between them closed and they shared a passionate kiss, full of love and support. The moment was interrupted with Sage clearing her throat. She went there to heal them both. They blushed as they realized Sage's presence. Sage went to heal Phoenix first as Jett took her chance to tease him again. "Don't mess up that pretty face, Phoenix"

"Killjoy, the anaysis states that Love virus is spreading, what's the meaning of this?" Brimstone amlost yelled as Killjoy and Raze were hiding behind a wall trying to come up with a proper explanation.

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