Enemy!Reyna x M!Reader x Ally!Killjoy

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm rewriting this story because the previous one was garbage. 
Let me give you introduction to our reader. 

Name : (Y/n)

Hobbies : Travelling

Personality : Kind, Perceptive and kinda naive 

And it has sad ending...Hope you like it.

Enemy!Reyna x M!Reader x Ally!Killjoy

General POV~~~

As someone said "Every girl is beautiful, it just takes the right guy to see it." (Y/n) was a normal guy who liked to travel far and wide. He was so kind that he was never supposed to see a battlefield but fate had other plans for him. At one peaceful day, (Y/n) was wondering around train rock in Utah. "What a great place this is!" (Y/n) stated as he was excited to explore that place more. As he went ahead, he heard some voice as if he's not alone there. He followed the direction of noise. That was the turning point of his life maybe. He saw 3 people suffering to death. His eyes widened at the scene; he also saw a girl with pink aura around her. She glared at him with piercing eyes. Judging from the situation, (Y/n) could say that girl was the one who killed them and judging from her eyes, anyone could say she wouldn't hesitate to kill (Y/n) either. (Y/n) was quick to regain his composure. He just flashed a smile towards that girl. She did lift her hand "Do you have anything to say?" "Nope, you must have your own reasons so it's fine." (Y/n) said gently before flashing another smile. Not everyone is lucky to be spared but (Y/n) was, due to his nature. That girl lowered her guards and sighed. "I'm (Y/n) by the way." (Y/n) extended his hand, that girl was shocked for a while but shook his hand anyways. "D...Delilah" "You have beautiful eyes, Delilah!" (Y/n) complimented her. It's been a while since someone treated her this nicely, Delilah was flattered. "T...Thank you." It was the first time when she shuttered.

That was beginning of new friendship. They both talked for a while before splitting ways in hope that they could see each other again one day.

The main story actually started when (Y/n) came across something called rift. He passed through the rift and he reached to almost similar place. He was just unlucky that Brimstone was looking after rift so as soon as he came there, he was taken into custody.

"I am asking you once again, why did you come here? What are your plans?" Brimstone inspected (Y/n). "I am telling you once again, I am just a traveler who saw that weird thing so I got curious and got closer to it which brought me here. I have no plans at all." (Y/n) said it out loud and clear. "Brimstone, I trust him, just look at his cute face, do you think he may be lying?" The girl in yellow jacket said as she pointed at (Y/n)'s face. "Umm...thanks." (Y/n) was glad that someone was by his side as Brimstone gave him cold expression. Brimstone would hate to trust others so easily but since that girl told him, he would do so. "Alright brat, so are you on same side as us?" Brimstone asked. That girl threw her hand over his shoulder. "Come on, we would make a great team." (Y/n) thought for a while before agreeing. "Alright, I'm by your side." Partly the reason was welcoming girl and rest he knew that if he would deny, that Brimstone guy would kill him. "Hurrah, I'm Killjoy, nice to meet you. And this is Brimstone." That girl surely was over excited to have him in team. "I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you too." Brimstone wasn't so excited since he had responsibilities. "Alright (Y/n), it's a little early for you but we're low on man-power right now so welcome to Valorant protocol and we're going to Venice for your first mission." Brimstone declared as they started moving.

~In the flight to Venice~

"So some people are trying to steal radianite and we need to stop them, right?" (Y/n) repeated to check whether he correctly understood it or not. "Exactly." Killjoy confirmed. "Wow, my life really changed too fast." (Y/n) sighed. Few hours before, (Y/n) was just a normal traveler and now he was going to fight against radiants. "I'm going to get a drink." Killjoy stood up and left. (Y/n) was wondering how he's going to manage it, he had never even hurt anyone intentionally, how would he kill someone? He was with rest 4 agents of Valorant, Killjoy, Brimstone, Jett and Phoenix. Killjoy and (Y/n) were talking at the back while others were having fun in the front. As Killjoy got back after getting her drink, Jett made her stumble and Killjoy fell as her drink spilled all over her. "JETT!!!!" She yelled as Jett burst into laughter. "Hey, are you alright?" (Y/n) came to rescue Killjoy. He extended his hand for Killjoy which she gladly accepted. "Yeah." She got up. (Y/n) even offered her his handkerchief. She smiled at his gentleness. She took it and wiped her face. She also took off her glasses to clean. "Wow, you look great even without glasses!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Killjoy slightly blushed at his compliment. "See, we already have a lovey-dovey couple here." Jett teased them as Phoenix laughed along. "JETT...YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS." Killjoy threatened Jett but it just caused (Y/n) to laugh too. 'There guys are fun.' (Y/n) thought.

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