Confession - (Zhuiling Modern )

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**** Jing ling is top and taller than Sizhui******

The soft pitter-patter of Sizhui's shoes filled the quiet school halls as he made his way towards the classroom that Jingyi said he’ll be holding up Jing Ling in.

His heartbeat was almost as loud as his steps which were already amplified by the eerie silence. Hands, already sweating profusely, tightly gripped a clear plastic bag and he could only hope that the heat radiating from him didn’t melt the chocolate neatly packed inside the bag.

To be completely honest, once Jingyi slapped his back and told him that he should confess how he feels towards Jing Ling, he nearly exploded. Sizhui instantly denied his infatuation for him, he thought it was kind of weird, but Jingyi kept insisting that Jing ling totally thought the same of him.

Of course, he didn’t believe it, but Jingyi kept pestering him about it to the point where he just thought it’d be better to get it over with. And in the end, Jingyi even helped him with the chocolates that were meant to add to his little confession.

But now that he were so close to the classroom, he began regretting all the choices he’ve made leading up to this.

Sizhui suddenly came to a halt, his shaking legs working against him. Hearing the loud voices coming from his destination snapped him out of his daze, which was the thing he needed the least now. He had hoped before that he could just go into autopilot, but he was conscious of his actions now more than ever.

“I don’t have all day, you know?” he heard Jing ling scoff, presumably, from the light thud, leaning against a desk.

“I told you, Sizhui’s going to be here any minute now!” The familiar obnoxious voice of Jingyi rang out, reminding Sizhui that he was sticking out for him quite a lot here.

Jing ling wasn’t the friendliest to most, so it must’ve really taken a lot for him to keep him here and he could only wallow in his incompetence. “S- So just wait a second longer!”

“Yeah, well, if slhe doesn’t-”

“S- Sorry that I took a while!” Finally, Sizhui arrived from behind the corner, chocolates hidden behind his back as he stood in front of the relieved Jingyi and mildly inconvenienced Jing ling. He could see Jing ling raise one of him  brows, probably wondering why he was still here, and Sizhui just couldn’t help but look down to the floor.

“Well, my super cool friend requested a moment of privacy beforehand, so I’ll leave you two be!” Jingyi exclaimed, shrugging and walking past Sizhui, slightly bumping his shoulder into his and giving him a thumbs-up before leaving completely.

All Sizhui could do was stand, gaze dropped to the floor as his anxiety rocketed through the roof. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

As much as he wanted to sing Jing ling poems of his love for him, compliment his gorgeous figure, tell him that he was absolute perfection in his eyes– he couldn’t, his throat was all clogged up and nothing came out.

Fortunately, or not, Jing ling took notice of this and pushed himself off the desk, taking his sweet time approaching Sizhui, almost tauntingly, hips swaying with each step. Sizhui could see the edges of his shoes entering Sizhui's line of sight, his taller frame looming over Sizhui as he stood with his eyes fixated on the ground.

“If there’s something you have to say, you should say it now.” he said sternly. “I’ll have to go soon.”

Sizhui's hands were now trembling more than they had before, knees threatening to give out more and more each second he stalled his confession. Again, he mouth opened, but not a single word came out. The silence lasted for a few seconds, a few excruciating seconds, before Jing ling sighed and stepped away. Was he—he couldn’t leave!

“J-J-Jing ling-!”

Finally, Sizhui yelled out his name, catching Jing ling by surprise. Sizhui looked up at him and almost let out a gasp himself at the sight. The sun shone brightly through the window behind Jing ling, illuminating his slightly taller form beautifully, his hand brushing a few of the dark strands of hair from his stoic, yet a little flabbergasted face.

Sizhui couldn’t help but notice for the hundredth time how him gorgeous orbs complimented the colors of the school uniform more than his could ever. Really, anyone who didn’t think he was the most handsome boy in their school, or even the whole world, was a fool in Sizhui's eyes. He needed to know- he needed to know how much Sizhui liked him!

But Jing ling was far better than Sizhui, Sizhui almost felt like he was in the presence of a goddess, so anything  he wanted to say automatically turned into a mess--

“I- I- I think I like y- y- you, Jing ling!” With that, he shoved the bag of chocolates into hid soft hands and turned the heel, proceeding to run out of the classroom and hopefully as far away as possible before he could comprehend what had happened.

Luckily for Sizhui, Jing ling did need a moment. Sizhui had managed to get him choked up for a mere second before running off and it took him a few more to realize that Sizhui had just confessed that he liked him. Jing ling's face erupted into a bright pink color as he gaped at the chocolates resting in his hands. He absentmindedly unwrapped the bag and popped one of the chocolates into his mouth, letting it melt while his mind stayed on Sizhui and Sizhui's  flustered expression.

Oh yeah, that was definitely the cutest thing he’s seen all week.

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