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late night at 3:00 AM

Hyeon and Suga both were sleeping. But Suga was snoring like Bear.

Hyeon in dreams

Unknown prince - Hey ! My dear love just be mine forever

Hyeon ( Shy and blushed) - Awww ! My prince's charming I will always be yours

Unknown prince pulls her closer

They looked into each other eyes and were about to kiss but suddenly

Hyeon sees a dinosaur in her  dreams and it has kicked prince charming with his tail and he has gone up and far in sky

Hyeon - Oo no Prince are you fine ?

The loud noise was breaking the castle and suddenly she wakes up and finds that every mess in her dream was created by Suga's loud snoring .

Hyeon ( panting ) - What kind of beast is he ? I thought Nagasaki was again attacked by atom bomb.

Suga was snoring

Hyeon throws a pillow on him but he hugged that pillow and continues his sleep.

Hyeon - Ahh ! My ears , he is so rude .

She shouts

Hey ! Hey ! You boy

She tries to clutch his nose but it was all useless.

She went near him and suddenly he stops snoring .

Hyeon moves more closer to look at his face but suddenly Suga grabs her hand and pulls her in his arm .

Although Hyeon was a ghost but she was still searching for warmth of love like human. Her head was on Suga's chest that was the moment she realised that not only he can talk with  him but also she can feel him  . After so many years  unknowingly but atleast she was hugged and she can feel someone. Tears were coming from her eyes both of happiness and grieve.

That night she slept like that.

Morning around 9 AM

Suga wakes but finds he has hugged Hyeon and they both were sleeping together.

He screamed.

Hyeon wakes up in frightened

Hyeon ( still drowsy ) - What happened ? Have you seen a ghost ?

Suga - Yes but this time I was sleeping with her.

Hyeon - What ? Ahh ! You jerk you have screamed by seeing me , you jerk.

Suga - You ghost don't you know that you should not sleep with humans.

Hyeon - Ani but .

Suga (angry ) -  but what , do you think I have a habit of sleeping with ghostly girls huhh ! God I'm sick

Hyeon ( gets upset and shouts ) - It's you who have pulled me closer to you

Suga ( gets shocked) - What ?

Hyeon ( angry ) - Yes you were in dreams when you have pulled me closer to yourself ( now she gets upset) moreover can you please stop calling me that ghost ( now she is crying) is it necessary for you to remind me everytime that I'm dead . Don't you know how it feels when you are dead but still you can see people around and you can't converse with them or interact with them like normal fellows. Please don't say like this everytime

She stared crying

Suga (comes close to her and in guilt ) - Miane ( sorry In Korean)

Hyeon (sobs ) - Ani , it's not your fault the thing is I'm a coward and that's the reason I'm still not ready to accept that I'm dead.

Suga tries to console

Ani , you are not coward the thing is you are just getting discomforted by feeling of being  a ghost .

Hyeon looks at him

Suga puts finger on his lips.

Suga - miane I won't call you like that again

Hyeon - Ahh ! You are good at consoling

Then she smiles and so Suga

Suga - Yes I can easily console girls

Suga sees outside the window and finds that the weather is governed by sun

Suga- so now it's sunny weather so I'm leaving

Hyeon (low voice )- why ?

Suga - pardon ? Have you said something ?

Hyeon (awkward) - Ani

Suga left the castle

Hyeon was looking at him going through his window

Suddenly an unknown entity whispered in her ears

Unknown entity (evil voice ) - Do you think he will come back for you Hyeon

Hyeon got chills after hearing his voice

Unknown entity (evil voice) - anyone who will come between us will die hàhah

Tears started coming from hyeon's eyes

Hyeon ( sobbing ) - please please no

Suga reached his home
But finds his parents their

Suga's dad hits him on his head and yells at him

Suga's dad ( yelling at him )- How can you be so careless to leave behind your home like this  . Moreover have you seen your report card? You have failed in this semester. Are we struggling for vain ? Can you justify your performance you jerk.

Due to anger his dad face turned red with bursting  veins

Suga' mom - Are you still into your dream of being a musician ?

Suga ( in guilt ) nods in yes

Suga's dad - You jerk , I'm gonna break your guitar

Suga request him not to do this

But he breaks every string of his guitar.

Suga eyes got filled with tears.

Suga ( yells  in Frustration ) - I hate you appa . I don't want to become a doctor but you will never understand this and its waste of my motherfucking energy to tell you anything.

He lefts his home and was Sobbing. He was running on road.

And he saw a speeding car approaching towards him that car hits him

Suga was levitated 4 feets by that car and he fell on ground with severe injuries and became unconscious
- To be continued

MY GHOSTY GIRLFRIEND Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt