CH 2 :- A castle on outskirts

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Suga was excited as well as nervous he was walking in corridor with a weird smile of shyness 

He was constantly imagining marrying Ji- min and how they are enjoying their life in their house and they have 7 children. Suga again smiles like weirdo

He thinks within himself. But can Ji - Min bare the pain of giving birth to 7 children or do I have that much strength or three are enough.

He was laughing by thinking this nonsense.

When MR. Choi asked him " have you did so excellent in exams that you are laughing and running in corridor "

Suga( Smile) - Ani

Mr. Choi ( shouts ) - Then go back to your  class you jerk

Suga gets scared.

He thinks
( Once I get married to Ji - Min I will send my 7 kids to kills this Mr. Choi)

At canteen

Ji-Min was eating with his friends and Suga came  and proposed her.

Suga( with rose and chocolate) - Ji - Min Chuwayo ( I like You in Korean ) don't worry after marriage I will wash the dishes and I will handle our children  too.

Ji - Min Friends started hooting and so everyone in the canteen

Many students have started recording this incident and were hooting
"kiss kiss "

Ji-Min felt embarrassment and she shouted on Suga

Suga (low voice) - Have I done something which I shouldn't have

Ji-Min splashes glass of water on his face and gives him a tight slap infront of everyone in canteen.

Ji - Min ( anger and was shouting ) - You stupid , you are such a jerk. Which girl will accept your proposal. You have made me feel so embarrassed. Now the complete campus knows that you like me. This is such a shame for me. And what do you think you are , you are not good in Studies neither in sports nor in any other activities. You are only a Noemie wandering here and their. Disgusting.

Ji - Min left.

Everyone in the canteen started laughing at Suga

Suga was listening (with his head held down) and drinking every poison of his disrespect.

He went to his home and Locked himself their.  He was not going college cause after everything it's difficult for him to survive their.

After 10 days

Suga has not gone college from past 10 days

Suga result came.
And he failed in the semester. .

He was not knowing that how will he face his parents now.

Knocking at door.

Suga opens the door and finds 6 people standing their .

They drag him outside of his house till road.

Suga - who are you all ?

A bully - You punk ( then started crying ) it's cause of you I have failed in exams.

Suga - what ? How cause of me ?

Bully - I was sitting behind you during exams and I was copying your answer but I was not knowing you were writing all wrong answer

Suga - if you would be knowing then why will you copy.

Other bullies  - yes boss that's point

Bully ( shouts ) - Shut up , you are my team members. Don't you know you who  is your boss.

Other members - Yes sir so what do to now ?

Bully - first of all break his legs so that he can't run

One of the member - But boss he has already ran.

Bully - You dumb ass then why are you looking at my face catch him.

Suga ( while running ) - Son of bitch , today my luck is like what the fuck.

They chased him down till outskirts

The weather suffered a mood swing with fast winds and thunder

Suga discovers a castle on outskirts and went inside the castle in order to hide but this castle was not normal
- To be continued

Suga discovers a castle on outskirts and went inside the castle in order to hide but this castle was not normal- To be continued

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