"Do you know who I am?" His tone was cocky, but unfortunately for him I wasn't in the mood to take that kind of attitude.

I didn't walk with a pounding headache and tired legs only to be denied the opportunity of finding Cara.

"You're the man who's going to help me out right?"

"Callum," Jordan spoke up. "He is willing to accept payment in return for our services." 

Callum's brow furrowed once more. "Does he know what he's getting into? " 

I dropped any effort of holding any sign of patience. "Of course I do. I walked all the way here with Jordan just to meet you."

Jordan frowned a little, but rose her voice to say, "He is willing to help us out-" 

"-If you help me out," I interrupted. "Ill do whatever you need as long as you help me find my sister." 

He stood there staring at me, green eyes concentrated and stuck in thought. I knew that he was judging me, but I sure as hell hope they are positive thoughts. 

"Come in."

Jordan smiled and grabbed me by the arm to drag me inside. I gladly followed her lead, knowing that this wasn't going to be all for nothing. Turning around the corner of the hall, I noticed that many more people occupied the house than from what I could tell from outside.

The large group inside were minding their own business, but only some of them turned to acknowledge me. A strange vibe spread throughout my body, my conscience telling me that they were either really good or really bad.

If this was the staff for the detective work, than I shouldn't be disappointed in what they can do.

"Kaleb," Jordan whispered," this way."

She walked me into a room where there was a table in the center. The three of us took a seat after the door was closed.

To say the room was sketchy was an understatement. Something you'd expect to see in one of those action movies, but it must be a sign that they took their job seriously. From what I've seen so far, what Jordan promised was legit.

"Tell me about this girl."

"My sister."

"Yes, your sister."

"Her name is Cara Stryker." I watched as Callum suddenly looked up in interest, but the expression went away almost as fast as it came.

"Your last name is Stryker, then?" His voice was a little uneasy, but I ignored it.

"Yeah...We're twins, but the only thing we have in common is our hair color and our eye color."

"That's the best description you can give?"

I sat there for a little while before remembering that I did. I pulled the folded piece of paper out of from my pocket. "Here, it's a picture of my sister."

I slid the paper across the table for him to see it. Callum glanced at it once for a brief second before he put it aside.

"Don't you want to take a longer look at it? It will help you recognize my sister."

Callum sat there with a blank expression. "No."


I ground my teeth together, feeling my jaw clench as I did so. It was as if he refused to even look at it. Was he being serious at all?

"I'm not the one who will help you track your sister."

I felt confused and threw a glare at Jordan, who sat there patiently. "Then who is?"

"Callum isn't the one who is handy at the tech work."

"Then why are we discussing this? Where is the guy who will be doing the work?"

I was getting worked up. If they need my help they wouldn't be wasting my time.

"We are discussing this for a number of reasons, but lets just start with one."

"What?" I spat. I felt the anger wavering.

"Before we help you out with anything, I need to know that you will keep your other end of the offer."

"Yes, of course. As long as you find my sister." Like I said, I have lots of money.

"When we find your sister, you better keep your end of the bargain." Callum was serious.

"Well what do you want me to do?" I was growing frustrated.

"That will be discussed later on. But trust me Kaleb you don't want pussy out with me."

"Trust me, whatever it is that you need me to do , I promise I can deliver."

Callum broke out of his emotionless facade and actually smiled, a wicked grin.

"Then why not make it official? Jordan bring in the tattoo gun."

Oh hell.

"What? "

Jordan left the room, but swiftly came back with what he asked for. She turned on the gun, and I heard the buzzing sound.

"You want to give me a tattoo?" I shouted. Was it sterile?

"You want us to find your sister?"

"Yes...but a tattoo?" I looked towards Jordan for an answer.

"A tattoo." She pulled her sleeve, revealing the permanent image of a crown etched in her skin.

"It might hurt a little bit," Callum stood. "But I don't think it will hurt you that much, son."


Alright so I'm so sorry for not updating for another month. Whether I lost readers for this book or not, I know for sure that I still want to finish LIL.

Also, I was really excited to write this chapter, but I don't think its that good. I'm rereading it and rereading it but I feel still feel like it needs more edge to it. I don't know....

Bleh. W/E

Based on what you've read you can tell what had happened here in this chapter. I didn't want to make it over dramatic because I wanted Kaleb meeting these people to be normal (as far as normal goes) and not so obvious.


I miss yew all.

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