ep2 : Kingdom of Light and Night

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Character description:-

Kingdom of Light

King and Queen

Crowned princess : Alessia (Nickname, Ally)
Prem's older sister
Powers : Psychokinesis
Age: 25

Prince : Warut (Nickname, Prem)
Past life of Team
Powers : Transportation
Age: 21

Kingdom of Night

King and Queen

Crowned prince : Noppanut (Nickname Boun)
Past life of Win
Only son and sole hier
Power: super speed
Age: 23


Prem could feel his heart thumping as he heard the announcer start to address the possibly large crowd outside. He was getting really nervous, but there was no way he could escape plus there were gaurds everywhere, where could he possibly go? This function was going to be one of the biggest events of the century.

Once upon a time the continent of angels had been living peacefully, everyone was happy, the people flew about. They lived in glory, worshiping the power of the universe. Pleased, all the people were blessed with unique abilities upon their birth.

Then one day war started, war between the white winged and the black winged angels, it had started out as a match to see who had stronger powers but then it evolved into rivalry and all across the continent, fights started to raise. After seeing war for half a century the universe was angered and took away their ability to fly, leaving their damaged wings as a reminder of what they once were.

Slowly People started blaming each other for the loss of their abilities and war started again. This time the universe struck the continent with lightning and storms for two continuous days. When the sorm finally ended they noticed that all their powers had been taken away. The fear and confusion bought the two communities closer together, they prayed to the universe again, together after years of war. The universe left a Prophecy in the holy Temple.  It said that it would give the powers to only a few angels who the people elected as their leader.

That's how the Royal families of the Light and Night kingdom began. That was 1000 years ago. Everything was well for a few centuries till 150 years ago when the Night King's husband was poisoned, all the clues led to a white winged servant in the castle. She kept saying she was not guilty but was executed publicly, it was later found out that the servant was actually not involved in the King's death but had been falsely accused by the real ones. Similar incidents took place in both the kingdoms, where innocent people were framed and harmed and judged by their wings. This had lead to division of the people again and a long cold War.

But now, people were understanding how wrong the past was and were coming back together, there were still some who believed that the opposite party was evil but the vast majority had started a revolution. There were parades and revolts, fights and boycotts demanding for the reunion of the two kingdom's. And this was the first official ballroom party of peace, a sign of the unity between the kingdoms.

He felt his sister squeeze his hand as their family name was announced and the doors opened. The light blinding Prem. But he was used to it. He and Alessia walked behind their parents and stood in the hall. The Guntachai family standing on the other end of the hall.

The anchor announced the king and queen of both the kingdoms as they walked, one by one to the stairs before descending them together. Prem tried to subside his nervousness as his turn was coming closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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