Are you saying we should break up?

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An inspirational talk often interest Seungmin and so, he did not indulge his friend's teasing when he chose to attend the one being held today.

In his defense, the speakers were really figures that should be looked up to seeing as both were successful at such early ages in different professions. It was only a coincidence that one of the speakers was someone he knew.

"Just say you miss your boyfriend and go," snorted his younger friend, Jeongin, while nudging him as they took their seats in the auditorium.

Being there since the start of his relationship, Jeongin was a reminder for Seungmin of all the ups and downs he experienced with a certain Lee Minho and while Jeongin initially was not fond of the older, he was certain about Minho being the one for Seungmin now.

Minho was captivating. The way he flawlessly relayed his words and neatly controlling his tones, expressions and gestures — Seungmin blame those and the lighting for making him unable to tear his eyes off of the older.

While Minho was a young chairman of his own family trading company, the other speaker was a young vice chairman of her own family bank.

Needless to say, Seungmin was forced to see the picture of a perfect couple up on the stage when she included Minho in her talk, seemingly favouring to converse.

There was no major reason for him to be wary and on edge but the subtle actions like when she laughed and tapped Minho's hand, when Minho shared his opinions and she leaned in close — it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

And honestly, Seungmin stopped registering the words coming out of their mouths as he was busy reasoning with himself to be understanding and to stay composed.

It did not help that Minho did not even meet his eyes, did not look at his way, throughout the session when he was only on the third row from the front and, obviously, in plain sight. Seungmin would know because he had not taken his eyes off of Minho since the start.

Jeongin must have caught the change in Seungmin's mood because he stopped Seungmin, who was briskly walking away, right when they exited the auditorium.

"What's the hurry, hyung?"

Seungmin offered a small smile and shook his head, attempting to come off unaffected, "Nothing. I'm just hungry."

"You do know I'm not gonna believe that right?" Jeongin gave him a raised of eyebrow.

Before Seungmin could insist that he was indeed craving for some food, a familiar voice called his name and a moment later, an all too familiar scent wafted through the air.

He could feel his shoulders tensing when the person came face to face with an almost unnoticeable frown on his forehead.


Seungmin did not know a simple greeting could make his eyes stung but he put on a smile, "Hello, your talk was inspiring earlier. I would love to chat but I have matters to attend to."

With a curt bow of his head, Seungmin hooked his arm around Jeongin's, who pursed his lips as he realised what was happening, and was about to walk away when a hand was raised in front of him.

"What is it now?" Minho's voice was low, enough for only them to hear amongst the other people within their vicinity.

A scoff was threatening to escape from his lips but Seungmin pulled them into a tight smile, "You sound tired. I dare not bother you, Minho-ssi."

Minho did not find that pleasant and he narrowed his eyes ever so slightly, "Do not be difficult with me right now, Kim Seungmin. I'm trying to ask you to join me for high-tea."

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