You didn't think of breaking up

841 31 12

key: bold in dialogue is english


Another day, another sore bum from sitting on his desk, going through case files and typing away on the desktop. Seungmin was aware of the setting sun peeking through the blinders beside him but that did not deter his urge to wrap up the loose ends properly.

Over three months into working as a lawyer, Seungmin found himself staying back a lot to finish as much work as he could. Sometimes, he even slept in the employee's resting room if he were to pull an all-nighter.

It was worrying, Seungmin knew that, and his closest colleague, a friend he met from a joint lawyer training camp in Australia, Felix, became a mother hen for it. The said blonde Australian was currently sitting on his rolling chair that he pulled from his own cubicle to pout at him.

"Lix, I'm almost done," Seungmin pat the other's knee while his eyes still actively reading the words on the screen. "You can leave early. The weather's gonna get colder if you wait for me."

"But!" he slumped onto his chair more. "I don't want to leave you here and possibly find you knocked out in the resting area tomorrow. You've done it enough for two days straight this week alone, Seungminie."

A chuckle left his chapped lips as he saved the document on the desktop. Seungmin turned around to face his friend with a grateful smile, a soft gaze and a warm heart.

"You know why I worked my butt off for this case," Seungmin's smile widened when Felix snorted. "The offender is really deserving of a nicely isolated cell."

Felix recalled the client that came to the firm two weeks ago looking for Kim Seungmin specifically. It was no surprise to find the firm turning into a gossip machine when an insanely famous raising actor insistently demanded to have a certain, not to mention newbie, lawyer over the other experienced ones, to handle his lawsuit.

He also recalled having been dragged to join for a nice dinner at the nearest above-average diner because, of course, they are friends.

"I'm going to beat him up one of these days, I swear," grumbled Felix but with no actual heat to it.

That made Seungmin let out his own snort, hands busy on packing his stuffs while Felix watched because he already had his things in his bag an hour ago.

"You do know he can't control his beauty but we got his back," he added a playful wink to ease Felix's tense shoulders from worrying too much, not only of him but of their other friend as well.

At that Felix stood up and wrapped his arms lazily around Seungmin's waist, head tucked under the taller's chin, "You both are a pain in the ass. Now let's go or you'll get literal pain in your literal ass."

Seungmin scrunched his nose and poked Felix's side to make him let go because he was ticklish before commenting that the last part was not necessary. Both of them heartily laughed as they exit the firm to catch their bus.

After coming back from Australia, with Felix deciding to tag along because of the recommendation he got for the law firm that he and Seungmin applied to, both of them rented an apartment together.

It was difficult to find a decent sized with decent rent apartment, and Minho even offered to pay for a more comfortable apartment, but five days in, they got ahold of a nice-enough apartment with the help of Felix's cousin.

"I'll make dinner, you shower first, Lix," offered Seungmin and went straight to kitchen while Felix skipped to his bedroom to take a change of clothes and a towel.

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