Chapter 8: The Date

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I am sorry for the delay but I have been looking for a job and that has kept me busy and also had writer's block. Well not writer's block but finishing things block (** looks at unfinished Linked Chapter*). With that being said, please check out my other fics, I have two separate ones regarding Anthony (Last Chance) and Benedict (Balance).

Anyway, should focus on the three main fics, this one, Linked and Balance but.. yeah. Just wanna say lastly, that I think Colin Bridgerton is my fave character in this.

P.s. This took 6.5 hours to write and I am sorry for you know who coming back in this one.

Ps2. I am disheartened by the 'recent' revelations regarding S2 of Bridgerton and by the PR but I have ranted enough about that on social media so far (also why I am not writing because I waste too much time ther) so I am gonna shut up here.


"Edwina... If this is about-"

"It is not".

"Are you sure because you called earlier and-"

"Kate" interrupted Edwina sighing.

"I'm not calling you about Anthony I just want to discuss something with you. About something that's bothering me, I mean it" she said seriously and suddenly Kate felt worried.

"What's wrong?".

"ANTHONY BRIDGERTOON KISSED YOUUUUUUUUUUU!" Edwina screamed before bursting into laughter.

"I fucking hate you. I'm going to hang up".

"Noooo. Noooo. Please don't," an amused Edwina pleaded.

"You worthless git. Leading me on that something is the matter only to then spout this nonsense-"

"For what it is worth, I do feel better now that I've said this" Edwina stated sincerely.

"Again. I hate you".

Edwina just laughed; not caring about Kate's words.

"No, you don't. You love your baby sister who only teases you a little. Hey but all kidding aside; has he called you yet?".

He hadn't yet and it was almost 1.5 days later after the kiss that had turned everything upside down. Not that she was counting no. Not that she was playing a reel in her head that continuously replayed the moment. Not that she couldn't sleep at night because she could only imagine his soft lips on hers again and therefore literally got warm.

But he hadn't called yet, to her disappointment? Was it disappointment that she felt at this moment? She didn't know how she should feel. Of course, he had no obligation to call her, but on the other hand, it would also be weird if he didn't. And of course, she could contact him too; it was the 21st century after all but... something prevented her to reach out to him, her pride perhaps but nonetheless she wasn't going to reach out to her, also because she didn't have his contact info.

"No not yet" she admitted to her sister, a little shyly.

"Oh... well he'll call" replied Edwina optimistically....

"Right..." said Kate but it didn't come out very believable.

"He will, Kate believe me... Well, I have to hang up now, I'm about to go back to class so bye" and with that she hung up without Kate being able to say a word back.

Two hours later Kate lay in bed trying to get some sleep as she was going to be working a night shift later in the day, but she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned to the left, then did it again but to the right but it had no effect. Damn. She had to get some rest, or she was going to be on a night shift from hell. Damn that Anthony Bridgerton. She hated this, feeling so vulnerable and this was nothing like or her; to ' wait' for someone to call her. Damn her too for just jumping into his arms, well not just like that, after he had. admitted that he was. her.... Before she could finish the thought she was disturbed by her buzzing phone. Unknown number. Only one thought went through her mind. It was 100% Edwina; around this time her lectures would be over, and she was 100% sure that she had now borrowed a phone from her friend to do the same as earlier in the afternoon, so she reacted rather piqued when she answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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