Chapter 7: The Exhibition

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I apologize for the wait. Again. A few notes.

· I am feeling a tad foolish, not a tad, really foolish for starting too many WIP'S and then feeling guilty for not posting updates. I am sorry for that but I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed and not feeling super well too. Also quite lazy.

· In Chapter 6 Benedict's exposition was going to take place in two weeks, I have changed that as the lazy writer I am to 1,5 months later

· Not entirely sure if this is going to long fic; see bullet point one but I am looking forward to the next chapters.

· A certain thing that occurs in this part of the story was reserved to happen in Chapter 10 but I had such a crappy 2021 and thought 'fuck it' and I originally wanted to post this around Christmas but.. oh well. Lazy writer strikes again. Someone tell me to get of the social media app that starts with an R that I shall not name in fear of repercussion on A03 (Don't ask long story). Takes too much of my time.

· As always do not mind the stupid grammar mistakes and the OBVIOUS; that I don't live in London although I do try to 'research'. I have looked up stuff like Rococo painters and went with the second one mentioned lol

· I am not going to give up on 'Composure' and I will hope to update at least.. a bit earlier? Maybe? Hopefully?


"Hi. Is this Jane?".

"Yes. Who's asking?" asked the voice curiously.

"Hello.. it's me from.. the coffee place" Anthony said, a little bumbling. Shit; was he nervous, like a bumbling teenager?

"Uhm. You're going to need to be a bit more specific;" she rightfully remarked.

"Right, of course how foolish of me. Where are my manners? My name is Anthony; you gave me a cup with your name and phone number a while ago?."

"I remember you. It's a bit rude to call now; after all these weeks, don't you think?" said the sultry sounding voice on the other end.

"Yeah I know, sorry.. You're right, I am sorry for bothering you-". The sentence was not completed by Anthony as he had somehow lost his nerve in the middle of it.

"Don't back out now. You are the one calling me aren't you?." said Jane.

"Forgive me for being rude, I should have contacted you sooner and.. I totally understand if you said no but I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me".

"I would like to" she replied to Anthony's surprise. The two of them went out soon after, having drinks and getting along very well. Jane was bubbly, funny and attractive, quite a few years younger than Anthony; he was thirty she was twenty-one but that didn't seem to be a problem; he didn't notice she was younger and besides Jane was an adult.

They had had a few dates and kissed a few times, all initiated by her, and Anthony found that refreshing. It hadn't come up yet to see if they could extend things into the bedroom but no doubt they would. There had been no serious conversations so far about their relationship, but he didn't mind seeing where things would go. Now, the light-hearted Jane was just what he needed. He didn't need deep conversations; he just wanted to have fun with someone and see where things went.

Jane was enrolled at the same university as Edwina, but in the drama department, and she still had a year to go before finishing her studies. In her spare time, she worked in the school cafe, so that she had time at the weekend to go to auditions and prepare various plays with her class.

The two of them frequently interfered with their schedules, but that did not stop them from meeting up a few times. Things were going so well that Anthony was thinking of taking Jane to Benedict's exhibition at the Frost Museum; he didn't want to go alone, and Benedict had suggested that he could bring someone along, hadn't he? He hoped, however, that Jane would not be frightened by the fact that his whole family would be there, but there again he surprised her. So first he called Jane, who said she would be delighted to meet his family.

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