Chapter 6 : The Dinner

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I APOLOGIZE for the wait. It had to do with two reasons; me starting another story while I shouldn't and not feeling very much like writing since the 7th of November. Has been a roughhh month.

Also.. I am struggling a bit with writing for 'Composure'. I therefore realise that this story goes a bit up and down but I promise I will get to the good stuff eventually; I just hope you'll stick with me. I am changing the premise of the story soon I think I am not sure whether I want Anthony to be drawn to Edwina after all. One thing I AM sure of is that I will have Ben and Colin annoy Anthony because I find that funny.

Lastly I want to thank the people that commented saying they love the notion of a jealous Anthony.. Implemented that in this chapter because I honestly had forgotten about that tag. Sorry for the crappy grammar and stuff will edit later but not now since it's past one in the morning.

P.s. I made up a Museum. Just go with the flow OK. It takes time to look things up and when I do I mess it up. Just think of my London as an AU-one.



"Hi. What's up?" he said as he made his way through the streets to home; with take-out in his one hand, the phone in the other.

"Nothing; all is well. And how are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks.."

"Are you?"



"Yes! why would I lie about that; Colin?" he exclaimed irritably.

"I don't know.. maybe.. some little birdy told me that you... caused a little scene."

This statement causes Anthony's thoughts to pause instantly.

"You know.. at a certain university."

"How the fuck do you know?" asked Anthony but shortly after he finished the sentence he knew how. Of the Sheffield's, Edwina was mostly good friends with Ayyaan's wife, the same Ayyaan who was best friends with Colin.

"I didn't know you and Kate.. were so.. familiar with each other."

"We are not. It.. it was a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding? In which you actively grabbed Kate and refused to let her leave?".

"That's not true! I.. I... just wanted to ask her something. I quickly let go of her afterwards Wait. Why am I justifying myself to you? Don't you have anything better to do than harass your older brother? When did that traineeship of yours start again?".

"March.. Why?."

"I'll talk to Tom and ask him if it is possible for you to start earlier so I'll be rid of you bothering me hopefully."

"You'll never get rid of ME silly."

"You are probably right.. What a poor, unfortunate soul I am."

"Look, you can admit it you know... to me at least," Colin said amusedly.

"Admit what?" asked Anthony in an annoyed tone.

"You like her." Anthony's mouth fell open in surprise at hearing this statement and the direct way it had been expressed.

"Like whom?."

"Stop playing dumb it doesn't become of you, dearest brother."

" I do not like her, and I've stated this before, but you didn't listen that time to me either"; he answered with gritted teeth

ComposureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant