On Break - L!Ranboo CG! Aimsey + Saladserns (irl)

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First Chapter!
This chapter includes: age dreaming (a lot of the first half), a slightly distressed little.
No triggers!

"New year, new me." A phrase Ranboo wasn't too fond of because he felt like he never really changed just because of the time changing, but a few days into 2022 he realised he should probably take the advice from his friends and therapist and take a break.
Tweeting out his final decision and adding a little extra detail in the sub discord, he lent back in his chair and muted all of his social media, making sure he could still hear from his friends on iMessage and Discord.

He spent a few days brainstorming ideas for projects he wanted to complete and had a business meeting basically explaining that he had work to attend to in the UK, which got him very excited to see his friends again after only a few weeks away from them.

He had therapy the day after, explaining that he was taking a break and was going to UK for a week or so but Ranboo had to mention that he was still struggling to know how to relax and take a step back from work, essentially asking for help in the process.

His therapist ran through a few common coping mechanisms - most of which he had tried before and failed - and she then mentioned a few lesser known ones, the main one that peaked his interest was Age Regression. After a long explanation, what it can help with and what he can do to regress, he had made up his mind to give it a try.

As soon as he got home, Ranboo spent the whole evening researching what they hadn't discussed and by the time he was getting ready for bed, he had bought three pacifiers, a sippy cup and a bottle on Etsy alongside some colouring books, crayons and some chewlery on amazon, happy that all were due to arrive before he left for the UK next week.

The next week as he was getting ready to leave and his new items were arriving, he spent all his free time trying to slip into the mindset. And although he found comfort suckling on his new pacifiers and drinking from his sippy while colouring and from his bottle before bed, he could never get further than a fuzzy feeling in his head and a warmth in his heart from the comfort of it all. He started catching himself doing childish things like swinging his legs when he could, staring into space with his mouth slightly agape or sucking on his thumb or fingers, but he wasn't slipping and it was becoming frustrating because Ranboo knew he could do it he just didn't know how.


It was finally time to go back to the UK, this time staying with Aimee and Serena instead of Tubbo. His flight had been long and he had been fidgety the whole time, with little to no sleep and a now familiar fuzzy feeling in his head.
Seeing his much shorter friend again was a huge relief to him as the feeling had made him uncomfortable and he just wanted comfort and validation. If Ranboo had let go of Aimsey any later, they might have passed out from how tight he was holder her.

Aimsey cared for his friend dearly and would never judge anything he did, so as confused as she was at the younger boy holding her hand she didn't question it and just gave a light squeeze to let him know they were there for him.
She let Ranboo have the aux chord, expecting Lemon Demon to be played, but when a good collection of Cartoon Network songs softly blared through the speakers of their car, she was surprised to say the least.
Aside from the music, the car ride was silent and Aimee was taking a good mental note of Ranboo's behaviour, knowing that jet-lag doesn't tend to have a massive effect on him.

Back at the Aimsey-SaladSerns household, they had gotten back and Ranboo was immediately curled up on the couch, sucking on his thumb and dozing off in a nap.

"Boo, you doing okay?" Aimee had squatted next to the sofa instinctively stroking the taller's hair, to comfort him in whatever he was feeling right now. She knew he couldn't be sick because he would've refused to go on that flight if the slightest thing felt off so they were trying to work out the behaviours of her brother figure.

Ranboo looked up to him with teary eyes, pulling his thumb out of his mouth and reaching for her with grabby hands. She sat him up slightly so they could sit and he could lean on her. He curled up against them and sobbed slightly at the realisation that he had finally slipped but he had done so in front of someone!
He wasn't distressed for too long as Aimee's comfort had sent him to sleep so quickly.

Serena finally spoke after watching the situation go down, "Maybe he's an age regressor?"
"I can bet that's exactly what that was, we can talk more to him when he's awake. But for now, I am stuck."
"I'll get you some coffee." Serena walked passed, giving a kiss to Aimee on the lips and one to Ranboo on the forehead, cooing as he made a slight noise of contentment, before walking to the kitchen.

Ranboo was out for at least three hours before he woke up, still in Aimsey's arms.
He wasn't small but the events of a few hours earlier rushing back to him cause the fuzzy feeling to return, alongside some more tears.
Aimee had been watching TV with Serena, absentmindedly stroking circles on the younger's back as he slept with one hand as he held Serena's with their other.
The couple both noticed when the little had awoken and instantly got to giving him all the attention he deserved.
His tears subsided as he realised they were okay with what was happening and he leaned more into their touch as they stroked his cheeks and hair to soothe him.

A couple hours later and a very difficultly said explanation from a small Ranboo later, Aimee and Serena understood what had happened and now had the little sat on the floor with his sippy cup filled with apple juice and a plate of half eaten mac and cheese, colouring in some pictures Aimsey had printed out for him. The two decided quietly that when the younger was big again, they's ask to be his caregiver, of course to this, he said yes.

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