I snap around, almost giving my neck a freaking whiplash, and spot the guy. His back faces me as he tenderly walks away. He is tall and lean, radiating confidence as he enjoys the silence around him. His slightly pink hair reminds me of cotton candy and the urge to recognise the face suddenly increases. You know that feeling when something is stored in your subconscious and deep down, you know what that something is but just can't put your finger on it? That's how I feel and I swear to god, it's irritating. So, I march towards the guy like a soldier, double my speed and almost break into a jog before running past him and stopping him midway.

The guy freezes, his arms going up in a defensive pose. If I weren't on a mission, I would've laughed at him. I can see my face reflected on the shiny screens of his gold glares and the urge to remove them starts hitting me like booze. I think my mom dropped me when I was a kid.

"Can I help you?" His voice must be deeper than the sea and I know I've heard it before. I take a step closer, reach up on my tippy toes (yes, I'm a shortie and he's freaking Burj Khalifa in front of me) and pull out his glares. "Hey!"

My eyes widen the moment my stupid brain registers why the guy seemed so familiar.

"You're Noah Keller, aren't you?" I ask and his face moulds into an expression that is a combination of awe and surprise. I am taken aback. Slightly.

"You didn't mistake me for my brother..." This sentence is dripping with shock. Seriously, what is the big deal?

"Yeah, you both aren't identical to me. I can spot the differences, I'm good at stuff like that." I mean, I can spot minute grammatical errors in a script with font size 10. Differentiating between twins comes easier to me.

Noah Keller is the twin brother of EuphoNia's vocalist - Vilhelm Keller. He isn't directly associated with the band but there has been wild speculation that he actually writes their songs and refuses to take credit for it. I don't know how true this rumour is but I would love to find out someday. I could just ask him, but he seems too out of it. Or maybe he's processing the fact that I'm not going bonkers over the possibility of being at the same place as EuphoNia.

Frankly, I'm not that surprised by this situation. I mean, the entire band is probably hanging out with my best friends right now so running into this one doesn't seem too out of the blue. At least not anymore. We're cool that way, you know. We hang out with the number one band on the international charts.

"This has never happened!" Noah exclaims like an enthusiastic child. "I always take advantage of the fans' inability to recognise me and cause trouble for Vil, but wow this is new. Who are you, again?" His mannerisms dangerously resemble Park Hyun Sik's character in Strong Woman Bong Soon, who by the way, is my dream guy.

"Just a random someone you will eventually forget about." I shrug and return his glares. He doesn't have to know that I'm a goner for such adorable moments. I ignore the fact that I can literally feel the corners of my lips lifting up in a quiet smile.

"Trust me, I will never forget you." He winks and his grin widens.

I ignore the weird fluttery sensation that erupts at the sound of that sentence and keep a straight face. Jesus Christ, he is smooth and he knows it. Before I can say anything, his phone starts ringing and I realise that we are standing wayyy too close for two strangers. Noah clears his throat, answers his phone while I take a step back. He waves a wordless goodbye to me, turns around and starts walking away, which is fine because he just became my poetic muse. I run away in the opposite direction, fetch my diary from my bag and start scribbling. I steal one glance at Noah, who looks like a lilliputian from where I'm standing. My god, he walks fast. I shake my head and get back to my diary.

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