Levi x Pregnant!Reader

Start from the beginning

With that your husband charges out of the room before he can get even more distracted. You grin to yourself and wait patiently (you are not patient), resuming your mending and humming.

A couple minutes later Levi is still changing. While sewing, your spool of thread slips out of your hand. You huff and get up slowly to grab it off the floor, but when you look up, Levi is standing in the doorway.

He had changed into a loose white tunic and brown baggy pants which made him look just ravishing, but what caught your attention more was the look on his face.

Levi was completely frozen, his eyes wide. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Is all he can say. For a second you wonder if maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Maybe Levi didn't want kids. Did he even like kids? You'd never seen him with a kid before. Maybe he hated them. Maybe he'd hate you...

Then a single tear is slipping down Levi's porcelain face and you panic. 

"Oh my god Levi!" You breath, rushing across the room to take his face in your hands, to be close to him. "Please don't cry!" You panic, gently stroking his soft skin with the pad of your thumb. "Baby there's no need to cry! It's okay-"

More tears slip from his ebony eyes and your thumbs start to have a hard time keeping up with them to brush them away. 

"Y-you're with child..." Levi croaks.

His hands tremble as they find your belly, gently caressing you as though still in a state of shock. 

"Please don't be mad!" You say, searching his face but his shocked look gives away no emotion.

Levi's soft hands rub gentle circles along your swollen stomach, and you bite your lip as he explores the new addition of your body... a part of him...

Levi whispers something that you can't understand, and then he is crying more.

You panic even more, holding his wrists with your own. "Shh shh, it's okay Levi. What did you say?"

Levi looks up at you with wet eyes. "I'm not mad..." He breaths, a soft smile coming to his face as he kneels down in front of his baby. "I've never been so fucking happy in my entire life..." He kisses your stomach. "Y/n... you beautiful, incredible woman... I love you so fucking much." 

You smile, looking down at your husband and your unborn baby, and you've never felt happier in all your years of living. Life was stressful within the walls. Constant food shortages, titans ready to destroy you and everything you loved at any second, your husband literally having the most dangerous job out there, and yet at that second it suddenly all felt so worth it. To have a family with the person you love, what more could you ask for?

"How long have you known?" Levi asks suddenly.

You sigh and shrug. "A couple months or so."

Levi's hands snake up to take your own and he stares at you seriously. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Now you blush again and look away. You'd known this was coming, yet that didn't make you any less embarrassed to tell the truth. "I didn't want to interrupt your work. I know that what you do is very important and-"

"The love of my life has a child-my child- in her body! What could possibly be more important to me?" Levi snaps but when you see the smile in his eyes you know he is not mad. 

Your husband stands quickly and kisses you like he did on your wedding day, only it was different... different because ever since the day the two of you had met, you'd only grown to love each other more every single day. 

Levi's hand threads through your hair, his other finding your waist and pulling you closer into him. "I should have never left." He murmurs into your skin, and you giggle.

"We both know that is bs." You muse, kissing him back heavily. 

"I know but still, I don't want you to be alone. I already regret that I wasn't there when you found out... I don't want you to have to go through this alone a moment more." Levi murmurs, kissing you gently. 

"Don't beat yourself up about that honey." You coo, making out with the father of your baby. "Besides, I was never alone. I had Kuchel to keep me company."

Levi pulls back ever so slightly. "Kuchel?"

You nod. "That's what I'm calling her for now. Assuming it is a her."

Levi stares at you. "After... my mother?" 

You nod.

Levi stares.

You blink.

Levi stares.

"I love you so fucking much." Levi breathes, kissing you again with renewed vigor. "Let me make love to you right here right now." 

You laugh and gently push the overeager man off you with a giggle. "Down boy! I'm trying to grow a whole-ass human-person in my body right now and you just came back from an expedition. Give it a minute!"

Levi grins and shakes his head. And grumbles a "Fine fine..."

The two of you cuddle together on the couch, Levi spooning you with his hand alternating between massaging your waist and rubbing gentle circles on your belly. 

"I really love you, y/n." Levi murmurs against the back of your neck after a couple minutes, but you don't hear the rest of what he says because sleep is gradually drifting over you. You are safe. You are loved. You have the most amazing husband. And soon you'll have the most amazing new member of the family too. 

You vaguely wonder if your baby will look like Levi. Will it have a grumpy baby face? You would be happy with that. And Levi will be such a great dad... 

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