Chapter 45: One Day at a Time

Start from the beginning

He handed her Steve's compass which she instinctively opened seeing her own smiling face looking back at her. Shaky, she pocketed the compass.

"We're so sorry for your loss, truly. He will be missed. We'll give you a minute before we take him down to the vault." Fury said.

The vault. SHIELD always had a plan for anything, including a secure burial vault below the tower virtually impenetrable, in preparation for the loss of their heroes. As Fury walked back over to Hill, Cara leaned down pressing her face to the cold metal, palms and forearms spread out on its lid as well and she let every tear she had left fall, crying loudly, not caring what they thought of the scene.  When her knees began to give out, Bucky rushed to her side, helping her stand up and she kissed the cold lid whispering a tear choked 'I love you' one last time.

When she got back to Steve's room she carefully set the compass down on the dresser next to his wallet before heading to the shower, tossing her clothes carelessly to the floor. She sat under the water, letting it wash other her until  her hands and fingers were wrinkled and shriveled. Getting out, she dried off walking into Steve's room for another pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt to put on. When she opened the dresser however, she was surprised to find several boxes haphazardly hidden with notes on top.

One by one she picked them up examining them. The first said 'For when everyone knows' and opening the box she found beautiful tear drop shaped diamond earrings. The second had a note saying 'For her birthday' and inside was a gorgeous tennis bracelet. The third had a note simply saying 'when I can't wait any longer.' Upon opening this box she cried out in a whimper. Inside sat a beautiful emerald cut diamond ring, surrounded entirely by smaller diamonds and the double band was also made out of tiny diamonds.

Silent tears falling and hand shaking she put the ring on her finger, the last burning ember of herself, going out

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Silent tears falling and hand shaking she put the ring on her finger, the last burning ember of herself, going out. He was going to ask her to marry him, to be his wife. Instead she was left here alone, the pain sinking in of what would have been. Just when she felt like she couldn't break any further, another crack appeared.

Just as she had gotten dressed, there was a knock at the door. Cara called Bucky in, knowing that's who it had to be. When he came in, the first thing he noticed were the boxes on the dresser, then the ring on her finger. Sadness washed across his face as he realized she had found the ring Steve had intended to ask her to marry him with. She was spinning it, fiddling with it awkwardly.

"He bought that, while you were in Paris. He told me he knew, he absolutely knew and he was waiting for the right time to ask you."

"It looks like he waited a little too long." Cara said crying but smiling.

Shaking, Cara went to take it off, feeling like maybe it was wrong that she had it on. After all, he hadn't gotten the chance to ask, she hadn't had the opportunity to say yes and that maybe it felt like a lie having it on. Bucky stopped her, reaching out and grabbing her hand to do so.

"He would want you to have it. You should wear it, it was meant for you."

Cara nodded, wiping away her own tears before looking down at the ring. It would be hard at first, but in time she knew she would love having these reminders of Steve, much like the necklace he had given her. In time, the hundreds of pictures they had taken together would provide comfort instead of sadness. Deep down she knew Steve wouldn't want her to wallow, drowning in her darkness forever. But in the past 2 months since she had lost him, this was the first day she had gotten out of bed, and stayed out of it. And the first time she had smiled, even if it was just ever so slightly and for a split second. She was just going to have to take deep breathes and remind herself of one thing:

One day at a time, it was going to take one day at a time.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story!

If you enjoyed the story, it isn't over!! Out now!Book two, 'DARK DESIRES' a sequel to this title is out now. Thank you!!!

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