CHAPTER VII: Glimmer In The Eye Of The Curious

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                                                                            February 13th, 1975

           The piano sat silently in the corner of the room. Nobody could remember the last time it had been played. A little girl walked up to it and hit a few of the keys. The sound of the piano rang throughout the house for the first time in decades. In the upstairs room, confined to her bed sick, the little girl's mother had tears in her eyes. Remembering a time when she was younger running around the family home being chased by her parents while pretending she had super-speed. Those were the good old times when the Hearts family was close to one another and kind.

        Still in the asylum, Mia couldn't help but miss Luke. She somehow had gotten attached to him within only a couple of weeks of meeting him. She felt as if she was in love but she couldn't be, could she? She and Luke just playfully flirted with each other along with other things...

        "How many times have I told you? You can't visit me here." Mia whispered slightly as she turned her head towards the boy she fell in love with, causing him to look scared because he thought she didn't notice his presence.

        "We can just sit here, you don't have to talk," Luke said, playing around with the strings of his navy blue hoodie. He was flustered by her; it was an effect that she had on him. Making him completely weak against her. "This was my fault. This was all my fault."

         "Right now I wish I was dead," Mia mumbled as she fooled around with the bandages that were wrapped around her wrists that morning because the nurses had found out that she had managed to harm herself with a small piece of paper."You wouldn't understand. No one does."

          "I would give my life to keep you safe," Luke said, causing the girl's attention to be shifted towards him now intrigued by what he had to say to her. "Is there anything that you want to say, Mia?"

           "I feel safe when I'm around you," Mia said, chuckling faintly tears falling out of her eyes being quickly wiped away with her arm, sniffling and gulping, holding back her tears. "I... I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying."

           "Why can't you let me in? What are you so afraid of?" Luke approached the girl quietly but came to a sudden stop as she stood an inch away from feeling her warm breath on his face.

            "I'm afraid, Luke," Mia said, causing the boy to become more flustered than he already was. Damn, was she good. "Could we have a staring contest, please? Your eyes calm me down when I'm upset."

                  As Mia stared, she realised that she'd never really looked into Luke's eyes before. Like she'd never spent the time to notice every little detail about them. She was soon entranced by what she saw, and the smile slowly disappeared from her face as she became fixated on his eyes.

            His eyes are a light crystal blue colour, similar to the ocean, with a ring of bright ice blue around the edge. They held so much emotion: passion, happiness, and above all, love. It's as if she could see his soul dancing around in his eyes, revealing a part of Luke she has never seen before.

"Hah! You blinked, I won," says Luke, snapping her out of her thoughts. "I guess I'm the reigning champion, now."

"Wait, I wanna see your eyes again," Mia says, completely ignoring Luke's comment.


"Your eyes, I wanna see them again."


"Because they look like the ocean. And, I know this is going to sound dumb, but I feel like I can see your soul in them."

    Luke remained silent, but leaned in and opened his eyes wide for her. He stared back at Mia, and for a while they just sat there, looking into each other's eyes silently.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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