CHAPTER II: Complicit in Solitude

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It was easy to find her. Her socks were all you had to look for. Neither pair ever matched. One pair was green, the other blue. The green pair reached her knees, while the blue pair barely touched her ankles. Her body was perfect in every other regard, but not her socks. They were her minor act of rebellion.

I was thinking of asking her if she knew what love was, but then again, what kind of weirdo would I be to just ask her, a random stranger, that sort of question? I know what you're thinking. Why am I thinking about asking this random girl to whom I just met a question that everyone probably knows the answer to? Well, the answer is simple, to get to know her, of course! Ask a person some sort of question to get to know them better before you get close, though what I might have described in the last couple of sentences and phrases might just be my train of thought getting all scrambled up at this point.

"Mia, do you know what love is?" I asked, so regretting the stupidly idiotic words that came out of my mouth just then, though surprised when she responded with this:

"Love is hard to find for most people who have never loved someone because of the peculiarity that it has," she said in a somewhat dreamlike state of mind as if she was recalling a distant memory from the past. "Though to me, love can be whatever you want it to be."

"It seems as if we're both late to our afternoon classes, let's go together since we both have Ms. Pouileilles now,'' Mia said to me as she stood up slowly making sure not to injure her side that was wrapped in bandages and gauze. Before heading out of Nurse Rohrbach's office, she said that she wanted to talk to me for a quick second.

"Take care of Mia for me, please?" Nurse Rohrbach asked me as soon as Mia left the room and shut the door behind her.

"I will, but first can I ask you why?" I asked her with a slight head tilt, confused by what she meant.

"That is for you to find out, my boy." Nurse Rohrbach said smiling sadly at me then glanced up at the door. "I'll let you go now since Miss Hearts is probably waiting for you to get to class."

"See you then, Miss Rohrbach," I said, heading out of her office and into the hallway, taking a concluding glance at Mia, who seemed to be in a sudden daze.

Reaching out her hand, she gently grabbed a hold of mine and led me to Ms. Pouileilles, whose room was on the third floor at the end of the hall, which was just our luck considering that my legs felt slippery jelly.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer, Romeo," Mia said in a somewhat sarcastic tone looking at me with a slight smirk on her face as she looked back at me, feeling as if my face was being burned. I replied with: "For some strange reason, I feel attracted to you."

"Really? then you must be delusional as hell," she said as we stopped in front of a wooden but golden door. "No one in their right mind could ever be attracted to someone like me."

"Well, I am," I said as I opened the door for her, then entered the room myself looking around the classroom seeing that it was almost full and being grateful that we arrived just before the teacher did.

Mia will be harder to get through, oh just my luck I guess I'll have to be cautious around her for a bit.

Spotting the two empty desks in front of us, we sat just before the bell rang and Ms. Pouileilles came into the classroom.

"Good evening everyone, today we have a new student joining us so please welcome him and give him respect just like you give your peers." Ms. Pouileilles said in a matter-of-fact tone, looking at us individually.

I stood up and went to the front of the classroom to introduce myself to the rest of them.

"It's nice to meet you all. My name is Luke. Luke Myers, I hope to make your utmost acquaintance this semester," I said, getting replies of giggles from the girls and chuckles from the boys. I hope that we all get along this year." Though I didn't mind it, I'm used to it by now I've been used to all the unwanted attention, quickly glancing at Mia she seemed to draw something that I wasn't able to see though I could make out what seemed to be elf-like ears and a bit of blonde like the color on the page as well.

Was she drawing me? I mean... I know I'm attractive, but holy moly, no one has ever drawn me before. She is going to be so interesting to get to know. Heh.

You know that tingling feeling you get on the back of your neck sometimes? Just talking to her, the feeling just hit me. Even though I don't believe in the sixth sense, something just feels right about her. It's hard to explain, but I just know. I know what'll happen if I involve myself with her, but I can't help wondering what'll happen if I tell her I want her to be mine. I know that whoever is reading this probably thinks I'm crazy, but let me ask you this. Is it that crazy to want someone you know you can never have, no matter who they are?

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