"This dungeon is definitely... not just basic..." [Y/N] mumbled, "Thankfully, those who adhered to Jin-woo's words are still alive."

The man in question turned her way, eyes wide.

What exactly does she mean by me?! She was the one who even saved Ju-hee and I before it was too late!!

And she screamed before I did!

Her intuition is on a whole other level!!

"Wait. Didn't you two yell because you knew what would happen?" Song asked, making [Y/N] sheepishly glance away, cheeks flaring.

"The eyes were giving off... some sort of heatwaves..." [Y/N] mumbled, both Jin-woo and Mr. Song gazing at her in surprise. "No... It was only because it felt dangerous in my case..." Jin-woo replied as well, eyes widening right after.


"Sir, your arm!"

The man's left arm was severed cleanly, leaving blood dripping on to the ground freely, pooling on to the ground at a harshly fact rate. "I'll be fine. Just help me stop the bleeding, will ya?"

At that, [Y/N] pulled her backpack off of her shoulders, opening it before rummaging through the bag in a haste. Sweat forming on her temples once more, the woman gritted her teeth together as she cursed under her breath, seeming to have not found what she was looking for.

After a moment more, her eyes widened, hands pulling out a stack of medical bandages. "H-here!" [Y/N] threw Jin-woo the bandages, sitting beside the older man as she helped him get comfortable on the ground.

As Jin-woo began working on Mr. Song's arm, the old man asked, "Sung, [L/N] What rank does that look like to you two?"

[Y/N] frowned slightly as Jin-woo answered, "Don't know... I've never been into a raid higher than D-rank."

"I... as well..." [Y/N] hummed, looking around the room in an attempt to solve the puzzle they had been thrown into.





[Y/N] placed a hand below her chin as she fell into deep thought, ignoring the conversation Mr. Song and Jin-woo had engaged in, eyes narrowing.

Hold up.

Those commandments...

Were they actually commandments?

Rules we are to follow?

If so, we might just have a way to live...

What were they again, though...?

The woman clicked her small fingers, letting out a low, "A-ha..."

"First, worship the Lord. Second, praise the Lord. And finally, we have to prove our faith..." [Y/N] whispered to herself, turning her gaze towards the huge statue of the room, eyes thoughtful and wise.

"Worship... Do they mean... literally?"

The woman shuffled so she was on her knees, cheeks dusting a bright shade of red as she bowed, long [H/C] twin braids draping over her shoulders as she placed her forehead to the ground. Jin-woo and Mr. Song both gazed at the woman, eyes widened.

And then...

It clicked in Jin-woo's head.

The Lord.

...It was the huge statue.

"[L/N] What...?"

"Mr. Song. The Lord... Means that one, right?"

[Y/N]'s eyes met Jin-woo's, and it was then that the man's eyes widened - it was almost like [Y/N]'s eyes were pleading with him to trust her. Those [E/C] orbs that had met his every once in a while, before the woman would run.

But now, she kept eye contact with the man.

A small nod of her head had him on his knees as well, forehead pressing against the cold tiles beneath them. He trusted her. And he knew she knew what she was doing.

Because he finally understood as well.

To worship the Lord simply meant to literally lay down at a specific height and bow to it.

She really is a genius.

"I... I noticed that if we got up to a specific height, its eyes would glow - s-signaling it was ready to shoot its eye lazers. B-but... in the commandments, it w-was stated that we worship the Lord," [Y/N] spoke, voice cracking as her cheeks burnt brighter by each second that passed. "I... have no idea if this is accurate... But I'll give it a try."





Sorry for the short chapter...
Next update might be by two weeks later haha..

•𝐀𝐃𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐑 【𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙂 𝙅𝙄𝙉-𝙒𝙊𝙊】Where stories live. Discover now