And I hate it. 

But at the same time I don't, because I don't want to act like it didn't happen at all. 

I walk past him and head to the bedroom, stopping in my tracks when I hear him say, 'Cataleya.' 

He never calls me Cataleya. Only if it's serious and most of the time, whatever it is he'll say after, will hurt like a bitch. 

'Yes?' I turn around again, allowing my eyes to meet with his one more time. 

There's one thing he can do to stop all of this. 


I need him to confess, I need him to say it so that I know that it's real, so that it all becomes reality instead of an image in my mind. 

Because he said it, but not to me. Not yet. 

He did say a million other things, but I just need him to say those three words, three simple words that are the heaviest to endure for him. 

Say it... Please... Just say it... 

'I-' My heart starts beating faster and I take a step forward, hoping that he'll trust me enough to say it to my face. 

Because I need it. 

Make me stay... 

'I-' He sighs deeply and takes a step forward as well, slowly trying to get close enough to touch me. 'I just wanted to-' 

Someone slams open the bedroom doors, startling me, yet I keep my eyes on Rio. No... 

'Cataleya! We're- Oh...' I don't have to turn around to know that Neveah is standing behind me, 'I'm so sorry, please... Don't kill me.' 

Rio is glaring at her, making me smile a little, because he would probably stab her again if I wasn't standing in the way. 

'I'll be... Yeah, go on.' She mutters, slowly leaving us again. 

I hate to admit it, but she ruined the moment, and I sigh deeply. 'Veah.' 

She stops in the bedroom and I can hear her step back to the bathroom door. 'I didn't mean to-' 'We should go.' 

Rio's hazel eyes turn back to mine and I blink a few times before turning to Neveah, 'My mom is probably waiting.' 

Before either of them can say a thing, I pull at Neveah's arm, dragging her through the bedroom door and into the hallway so we can get the fuck out of here, leaving Rafael Adriano Curzio in the bathroom. 

'Leya, you should-' 'No meddling, remember?' She promised she would let me be when it came to my relationship with Rafael, and I can tell that she's really trying. 

'But-' 'Veah?' She sighs deeply and throws her arm around my shoulder, dragging me down the steps to get on deck. 

Everyone is already waiting at the cars, waiting for us to join them. 

'We'll meet tonight at eight?' Brandon asks with an excited smile. 

'Yes.' I reply, getting a little excited as well. 

But I also feel the sadness creeping up because it might be the last time we ever go out again. 

'Come on, we have like five hours to get settled and you know how your family can get.' Veah chimes, pulling me towards one of the cars waiting for us. 

'I'll see you later!' I chime as Veah pushes me to the driver's seat, 'Isabelle, are you coming?' 

She hesitates for a second, before heading over to the car as well, smiling as she takes a seat in the middle. 

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