Mobsters and Motorcycles - Jiro/Toga/Reader - Part Two

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Now the hard part...

Convincing Toga to meet Kyoka.

Obviously my little Togurt noticed right away when I returned and my arm had scarred over. Maybe I should've pulled my sleeve down on my walk back to the courtyard, but I totally forgot (pardon me for being stunned by the sudden appearance of my other soulmate). Togie's not dumb, she knew exactly what my scarred-over skin meant. But her reaction was... alarming.

Toga shot to her feet, clenched fists at her sides. "ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!" she roared, eyes bright with murderous tendencies and angry tears. She grabbed the front of my shirt and shoved me backward until I slammed against the side of the house. Our ragged breaths came out in matching, measured intervals, both of us equally panicked but in opposite directions; she was livid and I was nearly shitting my pants.

Behind her, our opposing teams of ragtag children slowed their game to a stop, and one of the eldest kids scooped the soccer ball in their hands. All of them wore equally terrified looks, watching on from a safe distance as their parents fought seriously for maybe the first time ever. Sure we had our disagreements sometimes, but we didn't scream or cry or throw things... We talked it through like civilized, communicative adults and showed our children how to resolve problems without resorting to violence or fury.

So this... this unbridled jealousy was a surprise to us all.

Even the guards beyond the kids stood at the ready, hands drifting to their weapons. Ready to finish it, if things were to get out of hand.

My heart swam with adrenaline, terror seeping in at the edges. I'd never seen Himiko so freaked before, but I understood. If this situation were reversed, I'd probably do the same. "Love... I went for a walk and accidentally bumped into our other soulmate," I said slowly, evenly. "There was no scheme, no cheating, Togsie. Just an accident."

Her red eyes swept over my face, her snarl slowly fading as she found no ill will there. "Are... are they still here?" she asked tentatively. Her mood completely reversed from thirty seconds ago; her grasp unclenched, releasing me from her grip. "Do... do they...?"

She didn't have to say it. I knew, and I nodded. "Come on."

The hand that had just been shoving me up against the house wavered as Toga considered my proposition. Those crimson eyes I knew so well darted from my outstretched hand to my face, as if deciding whether or not she could trust me.

But her fingers found mine, regardless of how much time passed.

And we started walking.


Kyoka Jiro hung around by that back gate for what felt like hours.

Leaning up against her motorcycle, she tried that breathing exercise Denki told her about from his weird yoga retreat he went on—in for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four... but it didn't seem to help.

Her soulmates. She really found her soulmates. Today, of all days.

And here of all places.

The anxiety seeped in at the edges, and suddenly Kyoka wished she'd gone to therapy like Momo suggested all those years ago. Spiraling, angsty thoughts crept into her mind like little mites eating up all of her sanity. What if they didn't like her? Would she be able to keep her job? What if they freaked when they saw she was a hero? Would she have to arrest them? What if she wasn't good enough for them? What if they hated her on sight? What if—?

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