Author's Note & Extras

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This may come as a shock to a lot of you, but I made the decision to end Soulmates. The story no longer is enjoyable for me (and to be honest, it hasn't been for a long time). Thank you for sticking around, despite my slow updates. 

I have a few announcements for everyone now that Soulmates is over!

First things first,  I have a Discord server!
If you'd like to talk about my works, read chapters early, or get feedback on your own works, then use the link here or find it on my profile! We'd love to have you!

In other news, the coolest person captainchippy started their own soulmates book called FATE! Please go check it out! It's amazing and so well-written! Give them some love, please!

Also the lovely Artemisnoyoru started a soulmates story too!
Theirs is called SOULMATES and so far it is SO CUTE! Go check it out! 


I don't have as many notes for Soulmates as I typically do for my other stories. I think this is partially because I don't really have a main character in the story; they are reimagined in each chapter, and their personality slightly shifts to match each character.

Ever since I first watched Sailor Moon in elementary school, I've always loved the trope of soulmates. Before I started writing this story, I found myself saving soulmate AUs on my Pinterest boards, inspired to write them all. But I had no vessel for all of them... until I started watching My Hero! I've said before that I wished the side characters had more substance, and I felt like I could add that for them, not just by seeing the characters interact with a romantic partner (which does typically show a new side of a person), but also by seeing the characters in situations other than canon.


An excerpt from the original plotline for Mina's one-shot:

 "Mina, Mina, Mina! Wait for me!"

I chased her down the sunny hall at UA, flagging her down between lunch and our next class. Time was not on my side, considering she and I were headed toward completely different ends of the building; Mina headed to her fancy schmancy hero classes and I had to head back to business classes. We would be learning about taxes, of all things, in our next class, so I wasn't in a hurry.

But, Mina slowed and snickered at my dorky jogging, politely covering her smile with her hand even though I could tell she was laughing from her shaking shoulders. Best friend, my butt.

Finally, I caught up to her, gasping for air and resting my hands on my knees. Gods, I have no clue how people run for fun. A living nightmare, if you ask me.

"You should start working out with me, lazy bum," Mina teased. She reached over and fluffed some sweaty hair away from my face. "Orrr... we could do some dance routines like we used to."

Vivid grade school memories of learning dances from music videos in Mina's bedroom flashed through my mind, quickly followed by memories of me falling down or tripping over myself... a lot. "As tempting as that sounds, Meenie, I'm going to pass. ANYWAY, I stopped you for a reason, dork."

"Which is?" She smiled.

I punched her shoulder lightly. "Shut up. Seriously, I need your help."

That caught Mina's attention, finally. "Wait, wait, wait, are you okay? Do you need me to beat somebody up? Because I will, no hesitation. They can catch these hands, and—"

"Will you please fake date me?"

We stared at one another for the world's longest minute, Mina gaping at me as she processed and me biting my lip in anticipation. Would she say yes? No? Nothing at all?

But she broke out into a slow smile. "Of course I will, you dumb-dumb, but can I ask why?"

[I didn't end up liking the fake dating trope for this one because I set up Mina and the reader to be friends since elementary school and the soulmate trope was about touching. The chances of them touching skin-to-skin are slim if they've been friends for so long lol]


Excerpt from the second take on Mina's one-shot:

"So get this fucking shit, babe."

Mid-sip of my after-work tea, I furrowed my brow, sitting up straighter on my couch. I picked up the unknown call because I was waiting on a call from a potential new job, but this was... something else. Someone else. The voice on the other end of my phone didn't sound particularly familiar... but I didn't have the heart to interrupt their heated rant.

"Wait until I tell you about all of this bullshit. You're gonna shit a brick. Seriously, the universe has it out for me. You ready?"

She paused long enough that I knew I had to say something. Confused and a little lost, I managed a non-committal, "Mmhmm."

"Sunday: my dishwasher broke and flooded my apartment. Monday: my cat escaped out my door while I was bringing in groceries. Tuesday: I nearly died at work... I mean, and that was just the beginning!"

I managed another noise. "Mm."

"I'm having the worst week ever, babe. I just don't know what I did wrong to piss off the whole entire universe, but I want to make it right, you know?"


I have tons of other stories you can read if you need a pick-me-up, but I also plan to start a Haikyuu soulmates one-shot collection soon!
It's titled SERENDIPITY! 


We ended Soulmates at 82,054 words, and my doc is 330 pages long!

If you requested a one-shot from me and I never got to it, please know that I started it and I'm still hoping to publish those one-shots as bonus chapters on here someday. Thank you for being patient.

Thank you ALL for your love and support on SOULMATES. I wish you the best, and I hope I inspired you, at least a little.

Also the biggest THANK YOU to OliveTree12345 and MiniDeathGoddess and the rest of the Discord Crew for their help and support throughout this story! Y'all are amazing, and I don't know if I would've finished Soulmates without your help. 

Go get 'em.

Love, Kiwi

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