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 It's been a month since we have returned from the Vampire Kingdom. For the first week, I trained the top five warriors from each group. Once, they had my routine down they each went to their groups to train them. The witches made a potion so every one can mind-link, it only lasts a month, so we have to drink it again in a few days. By the way Jaxon and Gen abused the privilege. The witches, fairies and angels all combined their magics to make a spell that protects the palace, since that is where those who can't fight, which includes Rylie and Kay; they aren't too happy. They are around three months pregnant and I'll be damned if I let anything happen to them. The angels taught me how to control my powers since they are the only ones who really know anything about the white wolves. We are in the thousands strong, but we don't know how many the demons have, there is a rumor that they have enlisted rogues from each group, so we have to assume that they have magic on their side. We know that their objective is to retrieve me, alive. Everyone has tried to talk me into staying in the palace. But I can't. I won't let all these people fight and die while I hide. The only ones that haven't given up on trying is Jaxon and the mothers. All of the Queens will be staying in the palace. We are as prepared as bet we can. I was walking around the different groups as they were training. Everyone looked amazing.

"Princess, we found something. Please come to the main hall of the palace." One of the guards linked me. His voice sounded very panicked. When I got there, the men were all growling and snarling. When I walked up they all stopped.

"What is it?" My dad handed me a letter.

Princess Elyse,

I hope this finds you well and not pregnant, I wouldn't want to have to kill a bastard baby. I am giving you two days. Surrender yourself outside of your borders. If you do then I will spare your loved ones. If you don't, then in two days the battle will start. I will slaughter every last person, starting with the two pregnant ones, and it will be all your fault. Don't kill yourself either because that won't stop me, just piss me off. Either way, you will be mine in two days time. I know all of your tricks thanks to some friends of yours. So choose wisely, my love.

Prince Jasper

"Why does all the crazy ones have to call me "my love"?" Everyone just looked at me. I just turned around and walked to my favorite place, the garden. I sat on the edge of the fountain and stared at the sky. Goddess, why? Why does it have to be like this? Are the ones I love going to get killed because of me? There is no good option. I kill myself, they all die. I give myself up, he will still kill them, that's why he wants me so bad. I fight and they can still die. I felt so sick. I can't lose anyone. I had made my decision when I heard steps behind me. I could smell him. He put his arms around me and his forehead on the middle of my back.

"What are you thinking about cupcake?"

"I'm thinking that no matter what I choose, people are going to die and it will all be my fault, just because I exist."

"What did you choose?"

"I can't lose anyone Jax. I don't care if that makes me selfish."

"It doesn't make you selfish baby."

"He has Corbyn on his side and probably Layla. Declan said she disappeared after the meeting." He squeezed me when I mentioned Corbyn. "He knows how to hurt me the most. He'll kill my dad, Ez and Hen first. Then Ry, Zey and Jace. Then Rylie and Kay, and their babies. Then....." I choked on my words. "Then he will kill you last." I let out a sob.

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