There were too many zombies.

The ran into a concrete building and ended up stood outside the window on the scaffolding.

I slid down the wall and sat on the scaffolding.

Everyone else did the same.

I felt my eyes changing and my stomach groaning in pain.

I'm so hungry.

I scrunched my eyes shut and tried to forget about the feeling.

"Y/n?" Gyeong-su asked quietly.

I rested my head against the wall as tears built up in my eyes.

"I'm so hungry..." I whined as my stomach continued to hurt.

I looked down at the bite mark on my arm... it's almost healed.

Normally it would take a few more weeks for something like that to heal and I'm sure there'd be a faint scar.

What if... it heals faster because I'm a zombie?

I looked at Gyeong-su's hand and noticed the scratch was completely gone.

He followed where I was looking and noticed it was gone.

I bit my lip to try and forget about being hungry.

I could smell them all.

My head fell onto Gyeong-su's shoulder as I tried to keep myself under control.

He ran his hand through my hair.

Then he stopped and looked at me as if he was thinking about something.

He pulled up his sleeve and placed his arm near my mouth.

"What are you doing?" I managed to choke out.

"Eat. It will heal anyway." He whispered to try and stop the others from noticing.

It seems like the others are too busy trying to find a way out of this anyway.

"I can't." I stared at him incredulously.

I can't just bite a chunk out of my boyfriend's arm.

"Do it." He insisted, pushing his arm into my mouth.

My mind went blank and I took a bite.

It made me feel way better, though I was still slightly hungry.

I stared at Gyeong-su's arm in shock.

Did I just bite him?

I looked away, feeling sick.

But... it tasted good.

Gyeong-su pulled his sleeve down and smiled reassuringly, "It's okay... it doesn't hurt."

He reached up and gently wiped the blood away from my mouth.

"If you get hungry... please tell me." I told him.

He's probably not hungry because of that sandwich.

He had it before he turned.

I had it after I turned so it just made me feel ill.

Gyeong-su nodded and pulled me into a hug, wiping away the tears I didn't even know had fallen.

I tried to stop thinking about it.


"This is a public announcement. Explosives will be detonated at the sports complex, Hyosan high school, future college and Hyosan intersection."

My eyes widened as I heard the information.

"They're gonna blow up the school." Gyeong-su stated.


"We need to get out of here." I added.

"Hey, are those fucking soldiers gonna shoot missiles at us?" Wu-jin spat.

"When is it going to happen?" Dae-su asked.

"Soon. They're telling us to evacuate." Nam-ra answered.

"Shit. Where do they expect us to go?" Mi-jin frowned.

Is someone coming?

It sounded like someone was walking up the stairs and coming towards us.

It can't be... can it?

Gwi-nam stepped through the window where Cheong-san was and started to fight him.

Everyone backed away.

Gyeong-su shoved Gwi-nam off Cheong-san.

Gwi-nam shoved Gyeong-su.

I grabbed his hand as he fell off the roof.

Gwi-nam grabbed Cheong-san again as they started to fight.

I clutched onto Gyeong-su's hand tightly and used all my strength to pull him up.

Why wasn't Nam-ra doing anything?

She just watched as Gwi-nam broke Cheong-san's arm.

I fell back panting as I managed to pull Gyeong-su up.

I leaned against the walled and panted in exhaustion.

Gyeong-su was collapsed in my lap, his head resting against my collar bone as his hands clutched my shirt.

"I thought I was gonna die..." he mumbled as he trembled.

Cheong-san and Gwi-nam had started to fight inside the building.

The bombs will be coming soon.

All of us will die if we stay here.

"The bombs.. are coming soon." I frowned as I glanced back at Cheong-san.

I wanted to save him.

But it was already too late.

If I go back for him I'll be dead too.

I could hear the bombs dropping.

We all ran out of the building and into the forest.

On-jo was crying quietly as she ran.

She's lost everything.

There was a loud explosion.

That means.. Cheong-san is dead.

Tears pricked at my eyes but I refused to let them fall.

We have to get out of here.

My hand tightly clutched Gyeong-su's.

He's still here, I reminded myself.

We ran and ran but we started to get lost.

The trails started to disappear and then, we made it to the next town.

These streets were also filled with zombies.


The others had safely made it to a camp.

But we couldn't go there.

Gyeong-su, Nam-ra and I were zombies.

We stayed hidden away.

Will anything to back to normal? Or will I spend the rest of my days living like this?

I'm glad I have Gyeong-su and Nam-ra at my side.

Without them, I'd be lost.


1388 words

A/n I guess this is the end. I hope you enjoyed. If they make a season two I will definitely continue writing this.

All of us are dead | Gyeong-su Han x reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now