Ch.10 Thunderstorm

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My eyes drooped and my legs started to wobble.

Gyeong-su placed the backpack on my back and then crouched down in front of me.

"Get on." He commanded.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"You're exhausted and haven't slept." He answered and waited for me to climb on.

He stood up slowly when I was on his back.

I rested my head on his shoulder tiredly as my body slumped over in exhaustion.

"Go to sleep." Gyeong-su spoke quietly before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

My eyes fell shut and I eventually fell asleep to the sound of the rain and his footsteps.


I blinked tiredly as my vision cleared.

The cold rain was hitting my body still.

I noticed we had come quite far.

There was a wizzing noise as an arrow flew through the air and hit one of the zombies in the head.

Peering in the direction it came from, I saw a small group of people.

The girl who shot the arrow stood in a confident stance and held a bow.

Did the archery club come back?

"You're awake? You've only been asleep for fifteen minutes." Gyeong-su whispered.

I nodded tiredly and let me head fall back onto his shoulder.

We all hurried into the building once we realised there were too many zombies.

Thunder rumbled again and there was a flash of lightning that lit up the gym.

There were a bunch of zombies at the other side.


Everyone rushed into the store room and locked the door.

They were all breathing heavily with exhaustion.

Nam-ra and Gyeong-su were unaffected and didn't seem tired at all.

Even though he was carrying me, he's not tired at all.

It was silent for a few moments as everyone just stared at everyone else.

Gyeong-su placed me down on the floor and sat beside me.

I pulled the bag onto my lap and sat there watching everyone else.

"Cheong-san... I'm sorry. I didn't know that she was your mum." Dae-su apologised.

Damn, I missed all the drama while I was asleep.

Did his mum come to save him? I'm guessing she's a zombie now.

I smiled sadly as tears threatened to escape.

All of us are dead | Gyeong-su Han x reader (Complete)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu