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Minas POV

Hotel Room

"Honey", I said pecking her forehead.

Her eyes opened.

"Is it suppose to hurt?", she asked snuggling closer to me.

"Yes the first time dose", I said.

"Dose the second?", she questioned looking up at me.




"Your beautiful".

"Are you talking about me being naked?", I asked.

"Yes. But you are always beautiful".

I smiled kissing her forehead wrapping my arms around her.

"Thank you for the compliment", I said running my fingers through her hair.

"And the sex was amazing".

"That's great to know. You were good too for a virgin".

"Hey, I wanted you to have fun too", she said.

"Oh, I did. You surprised me", I said.

She looked up at me.

"Your mother. I kept her promise".

"What was that promise?", I asked.

"That I would look after you. And I would love you. And make you happy".

"My mother must've loved you a lot, huh to put you in charge of looking after me", I said.

"She did. I first met her when I was rushed to the hospital one day and I tried to escape during the night. She caught me and scored me as a mother should. It was the first time I felt like someone cared about my existence. I would visit her every day after that. I loved her company".

"Why were you rushed to the hospital?", I asked.

"I tried to kill myself. I was 13 when it happened", she said.

I held her tighter. Life really sucked for her.

"You knew my mother for 7 years".

"I did. Thanks to her I found confidence in playing the guitar and for taking pictures", she said.

"So I saw. You were playing the guitar. It was beautiful. Did you always pay it for her?", I asked.

"Yes. She would like to fall asleep to it. She would call me her musician. Your mother was the only reason I kept living. When she told me she wanted to take her own life because it coming close to her death. It hurt. I didn't want her to leave or give up so easily. But It was her decision and I couldn't stop it... You appeared. And so happen to be her daughter. You made my life happy again. If I lose you.  I'll end my life. It would be meaningless without you".

"You can cry honey. I won't stop you from crying".

Thats what she did. She cried. She had hidden her feelings about my mother dying for so long. And now knowing she shared such a bond with her it breaks my heart too. 

~ Huge Time Skip ~

Tzuyus POV


"Hey, why are you sitting here alone?".

I looked at my beautiful wife.

"Have you ever wondered what is the real purpose of us humans?".

"No. But it is something that I think many people might wonder. Are you curious?", she asked sitting beside me.

"I am. The world used to be full of nature but were destroying it. So what is our purpose? To end the world?".

"I don't know our purpose other than to produce babies for the next generation", she said laying her head on my shoulder.

I looked at her.

"I remember when Chae came running to us expressing how much she liked this woman who she met in the cafe. Saying she was an angel. You really are able to make people fall in love with you so easily", I said.

"How was I supposed to know that she would like me? I didn't know she was your friend either and I didn't know you were going to be the person I was going to marry".

"You could've went out with Chae though".

"I could've. But I preferred our relationship. It grew over time. Plus your friend Chae I dont think she had any plans to take me away from you".

"Yes, she did she tried getting your number".

"Ah so that's why dray me away. You didn't want her to have my number. Woah. Were you perhaps already liking me then?".

"Now thinking of it. Maybe I did. No, I think I did. I think I liked you from day one of that wedding", I said.

"But you were so annoying when drinking all the time do you know how hard it was to get you to bed one night. I had to like caged you in with my body".

She smiled.

"I liked the caged. It was the first time you hugged me so tightly", she said.

"I'll cage you more often than", I said.


I looked directly into her eyes.

"Yes, Love?".

"I love you".

I smiled.

"I love you too", I said and pecked her lip.


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I have an eyelash stuck on my eyeball and I can't remove it 😥

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